"There's a spider on your head"

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O and I were sitting in chairs on first floor just staring at the wall and we heard someone coming down the latter "you guys are still here" O spoke up "I'm not leaving till you let me see him" I was just there for company "well get comfortable...I let him live isn't that enough?" "He saved our lives and yours-" I got up "I'll be back" I told O and left without looking at Bellamy. I walk out and see Cassie "hey!" "Hey Cassie" "hows everything with you and lover boy?" I roll my eyes and ignore her question "he looks like a lost puppy" I shrugged and started climbing the drop ship "so do you! Everyone knows you guys like each other" I laugh "I don't like Bellamy" she smirked "I never said his name" I rolled my eyes and walked back to where she came from.

I heard Clarke say "Jade can you come here please" I jumped down and said "what?" "I'm busy here with everyone talking to their parents can you go to a place and get supplies" "sure where?" "Bellamy knows" I groan "I'm not going" "please" I look at her and groan "Fine!" I go over to my tent and grab my knives and my sword and I go over to the gate and see Bellamy "ready?" He asked I walk past him ignoring his question he groans and walks in by me.

It's been 10 minutes and it's really quiet and awkward "will you please talk to me!...At least look at me" I look over at him and continue walking as he says "I'm sorry Okay I had to save Finn-" once he said that I walked into a tree and fell "Jade are you okay?" I groan and nod he helps me up and with all his strength he pulls me into his chest "please forgive me Jade! I thought what would happen if Your brother did die and if I were in your position I would do anything to save O so please just please forgive me" I look into his eyes and I should have never done that because I caved in "okay" "okay?" "I forgive you" he smiled and something about that smile just makes me want to kiss him! Ew...did I really just say that? "What's wrong?" "There's a spider on your head" he starts freaking out and I laugh and he stops "you little-" and I start running so he chases me I look behind me which was a big mistake because I trip over a tree root and fall taking him down with me I look up at him and we both start laughing after a minute we stop and stare at each other he then looks down at my lips and I look at his and he moved closer and then kisses me softly I put my hands into his hair and of course kiss him back he then lightly bites my lip and pulls back letting it go "as much as I would love to continue kissing you we need to get supplies for everyone back at camp" I smiled and he gets up helping me up and we walk to the depot thing.

"Where is it?" "It should be around here somewhere there's got to be a door" "let's split up stay within shouting distance" he nods and we went separate ways. I fell down a hill and groaned "Jade?" "I'm good! I found a door" he slid down the hill and helped me up "I'm going to start calling you Bambi" I chuckle and punch his shoulder "shut up" he laughed and we went inside after he opened the door "why do I feel like this hasn't been touched since the war?" "Because it probably hasn't c'mon" I walked down the stairs and saw a humans skeleton "hell of a place to die" we said in sync and laughed "dammit everything down here is probably ruined" I opened a basket and found blankets "Hey I found blankets" "your excited about blankets? How about-" "Why do you have so much rations?" "It could be a longer trip?" I nodded and he went down the hall and I followed he opened a container thing filled with water and got pissed and kicked it over "you've got anger issues" "so do you Cupcake" I rolled my eyes and saw guns and so did he he put a blanket up on a doorway and said "this changes everything from running from spears and everything else ready to be a badass cupcake?" I scoffed "I'm already a badass" he hands me a gun and I look at the target and get ready and I stare at the target I put the gun down and look at Bellamy "ok I totally lied I don't know how to work this thing" he chuckled and stood behind me he put the butt of the gun a little bit higher than my shoulder and I looked through the telescope thing "Uh yeah that's good" he said in my ear my back was against his chest and I heard him breathing in my ear I put the gun down "Okay you're distracting me" he rose his eyebrows "I'm distracting you?" I nodded "and how am I distracting you" "you're too close to me" he walked closer to me making me back up into the wall "oh you don't like me close to you?" He said into my ear lightly kissing my neck I close my eyes and stutter "uh...s-shut up!" I pushed him away and he laughed I stood back to where I was and put the gun back in place and shot making it go through the middle of the X "maybe I should distract you more often" he said in my ear which made me shiver "so who are you letting watch the guns? Miller? Because you kept him on watch of the grounder so you must trust him right?" He nodded "people listen to him you and Clarke should keep him close" I narrow my eyes at him "Bellamy what's wrong with you? You've been acting all weird today" he didn't answer me I looked back at his bag "you have so much rations you're going to run aren't you!?" "Cupcake listen" "Why?" "I shot Jaha and he's still alive" I clench my jaw "so you are going to leave Octavia and everyone at camp we need you Bell..." my voice got quieter "...I need you" He shook his head no "you guys don't need me and you and Clarke are great leaders" "so you're going to leave?" "If I don't they will kill me" I nod slowly and then slap him across the face I put the gun down and walk up the stairs "Cupcake? Wait c'mon" tears are falling down my face and I shake my head and laugh "you know this is the third time I cried on earth and you made me cry 2 out of the three times" "Cupcake I'm sorry" I chuckle and walk out the depot thing only to be tackled on the ground hitting my head on a rock and spraining my ankle in the process also being punched several times  and everything going black.

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