"I am so beating your brothers ass tonight why would he give you that job?"

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Bellamy and I walk up a tiny tiny hill and stand next to Clarke, Bellamy asked "anything?" Clarke replied "No" I said "it's been two days" Clarke said "maybe they got scared and won't come back" "you really believe that?" Bell and I said in sync she replied with "no" I nod "I'm going to head back inside make sure everything's okay" they nod and I walk into camp and made sure everything was okay then walked into my tent to see Cassie so I sat on my bed "so what's been happening with you and Bellamy?" Cassie asked my cheeks turned a tint of pink thinking back to two days ago so I look into my bag trying to distract myself "you slept with Bellamy didn't you?" I looked up at her and nodded "do you think O is mad?" "No she would rather have you date him then some other girl in this camp" I nodded and Cassie asked "so what happened after the sex?" I rolled my eyes and said "the next day he took me to a little waterfall 5 minutes away from camp and asked me out so I said yes and we went swimming..." "and you had sex" I sighed through my nose and nodded "yeah but only because I like to go by my rule and think that if this is my last day then I want to enjoy it the best that I can" "and that's having sex with Bellamy?" I groan "goodbye Cassie" and I left after hearing her laugh I go into the food shack and sit by O "so how are you and Lincoln?" "He left" "and you didn't tell me?" "He actually told me to say he was sorry that he couldn't say goodbye and that you can trust Astoria" I nodded and Del came in throwing wood on the fire "let's get this party smoking" "you don't want the fire to big so just try and knock it down with some wet leaves" O responded "oh what did you grounder ponder boyfriend tell you that?" "You know she's right the meat won't preserve as well" "can't take the heat get out of the smokehouse you two should be kissing our asses for being aloud back into camp just keep working" I stood up making him know I'm here and scoff "(1) at least she gets some while the only thing you can get with is your hand (2) call her that one more time and I will fucking pound your face in with my fist and I'll make sure Bellamy hears of this also and (3) why don't you keep working because me being leader of this damn camp I will fucking make you suffer if you disrespect anyone you understand Del?" I spit out his name his eyes widened and he nodded "now apologise to both of them because right now you are on my dislike list and you are pretty close to Murphy "I'm I'm sorry" "who are you apologising to?" "I'm sorry Octavia and Murphy" I nodded "now get back to work" "your brother couldn't get you a better job? Anything could be better then the heat furnace" "oh probably that just means someone else would have to do it" we were quiet until Del decided to throw wood into the fire and it hit the meat and went everywhere so I pushed Murphy and Octavia Bellamy then grabbed Octavia and asked "are you alright?" I nodded still coughing "you this is all your fault...we told you it was to much wood" Murphy yelled "hey get the hell away from me" Bellamy stood up and pulled Murphy and Del away "hey hey Stop, save it for the Grounders" "Well now what the hell are we going to do that was all the food" I got up and walked over to Bell, Murphy, and Del and punched Del right in the cheekbone making him fall back and cry out in pain I then took O and Murphy and went over to the water bucket taking cups and giving it to them "thanks" I nodded and got a cloth getting it wet and washing O's face off "I'm not 5!" She whined I laughed "you sound 5" she huffed and crossed her arms and I finished then cleaned off my face "I am so beating your brothers ass tonight why would he give you that job?" She shrugged-unlike Cassie Octavia knew right after the waterfall I told her everything and she took it well but I'm scared she is mad at me-"okay well if we weren't here for a war I would tell you to rest the for the rest of the day sooo take a 5 minute break both of you and if anyone says anything tell them to talk to me" Murphy nodded and left "10 minute break for you" she smiled and hugged me then left and I walked over to Bellamy and Clarke came out of no where and asked "any idea what happened" "yeah I know everything that happened, Del fed the fire O told him to lower it down he called her a grounder pounder Murphy agreed with O then Del said they both should be kissing everyone's ass since they can stay in the camp I told him off a few minutes later he puts more wood on the fire making it rise making me push Murphy and Octavia out" "we have a few wild onions and Jobi nuts that will last us a few weeks what's left here?" "Nothing it all burned" "then we have to hunt" "thank you captain fucking obvious" "anyone we can spare goes out" "the whole grounder army out there?" "Look we cant defend our selves if we're starving" "I agree with Captain Obvious over here" she shakes her head smiling at me Bellamy nods and Clarke goes off and I turn to Bellamy "how are you holding up Cupcake?" I shrug "it would be better if we weren't at war and it was just me and you in a tent" he smirks and kisses me but I pull away "Uh honey no we may be king and queen but I do NOT do PDA" he laughs "and that's why I like you" I smirk and roll my eyes "okay you go I'm going to go check on O" "you were just with her" he whines "why can't you be with meee" I chuckle "she's the better Blake" he gasps "oh you did not just say that" I nodded "I think I just did" I stuck my tongue out and ran away laughing.

It's night time and I was with O all day and Cassie comes in "Hey J, I just walked past Bellamy's tent and heard Raven in there saying something about wanting to get rid of her feelings with Finn" I stood up and walked out of my tent then thought let's see how much I can trust Raven and Bellamy so I walked over towards the Bon Fire and waited to see if anything would happen "Jade!" I turned around to see Raven "yeah?" "I am so sorry I I didn't know you and Bellamy were a thing I thought you guys just always flirted-" "woah Raven calm down" "I was trying to get rid of my feelings with Finn" I rose an eyebrow "how?" "By sleeping with Bellamy but but he turned around before he saw me naked and he told me you guys were a thing and that he couldn't sleep with me and everything I'm sorry I didn't know" I smiled "it's fine I forgive you" "you do?" I nodded "I knew you guys were in the tent and everything my friend overheard you and told me I was just seeing if I could trust you guys...anyway you know where Bell is?" "Tent" I nodded and walked away "bell?" I walked into the tent and saw him on his bed with his hands on his face "Hey bell what's wrong?" He rubbed his face and looked up at me "Raven wanted to have sex with me and got all naked but I told her I was with you and to get out I'm sorry-" I cut him off by kissing him "I know" "what?" "Cassie walked by and heard them Raven told me so please don't tell me the whole story again" he laughed and grabbed my waist pulling me down on top of him.

I plopped down besides Bellamy out of breath I got up and put on my underwear and bra "why such a rush?" "I've got to get back to my tent" he chuckled "or you can stay in mine tonight" "you sure" "I mean I would love to wake up next to my beautiful girlfriend" I took my bra off and put his t-shirt on getting back into bed I put my head onto his chest and closed my eyes "Clarke Finn and Myles are missing" Monty and Octavia said barging into the tent without knocking we sat up and looked at them "ok give us 5 minutes and meet us by the gates with the weapons and stuff" they nodded and left "you know what that means?" Bellamy asked I stood up and changed into jeans "what?" "Second round" he smirked I rolled my eyes and threw his shirt at him putting my bra and shirt on along with my jacket and we met up with Monty Raven and Octavia at the gates "ready?" Everyone nodded and took guns and we left splitting up me with the girls and I'm ahead of them Raven has the walkie-talkie and something moves into the bushes I bring my sword up and move the bushes "it's Myles...wheres Finn and Clarke?" "Grounders took them" "alright take it easy...we have to get him back to camp" "Bell what about Clarke and Finn?" Everyone stays quiet and Raven stands up "Raven I'm sorry" Bell says "we need to make a stretcher" "Monty we are heading home you copy?...Monty can you hear me... Monty...Monty where the hell are you?" "Dammit, you three make the stretcher" I go down to Myles "you're going to be fine Myles okay? You made it what 5 hours? Try and make it 30 more minutes okay?" He nods "you know you're pretty tough Myles" "really?" I nod "yeah I mean if Bellamy was in your spot I bet he'd be crying...like full on sobs" Myles laughs and I smile.

We bring Myles back and into the drop ship once I finished fixing him up I look down at him passed out and I felt someone put their arms around my waist "I didn't know you knew how to do this" I smiled "yeah, when I was 13 through 15 I volunteered to work with Abby, Clarke's mom so I'm the second best doctor here until she comes down along with her assistant then I'll be fourth" he nodded "I think Myles is good for tonight so why don't we have round 2?" I laugh and Bellamy throws me over his shoulder "Bellamy!" I whisper yell laughing "we can't we have to make sure the camp is ready for war" he puts me down and we are face to face-when I look up at him-he smiles and kisses my forehead "alright but once this war stuff is done then I am going to F-" I put my hand over his mouth and he chuckles when he sees my cheeks a tint of pink I take my hand away and he says "I was going to say Friendly hug you" I roll my eyes and say "whatever" trying to hide a smile "go make sure Raven and Jasper are good with the stuff she's doing" he nods and we walk separate ways.

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