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I walked out of the tent and saw all the delinquents hooting and hollering about Monty's unity juice "Hey save me some!" I yelled to Jasper I put my cup over to him and he filled it to the top and I chugged it I turned and saw Octavia run out the gates I knew she had something to do with the grounder I started walking towards the gate but bumped into someone I almost fell but the person grabbed my waist and held me up I look to see Bellamy "Hey Bambi" I glared at him for the nickname and said "shut up" he chuckled and said "where are you off too?" "The weapons to sharpen them and stuff" "on unity day?" I shrugged "unity day is just a regular day" he chuckled and someone cleared their throat I looked and saw Clarke Bellamy took his hands off my waist and looked at her... i didn't even know his hands were still there...I smiled at Clarke and said "I've got to get going I'll see you guys later?" They nodded and I went over to Jasper and he poured some more 'unity juice' in my cup "thanks" he nodded and I walked to my tent and grabbed my bag along with my gun and knives and went towards the gate I looked around making sure no one was watching me and I left and started walking.

I finally got to Astorias place and snuck in "Hey" she jumped and looked at me "Jade what are you doing here?" "Nothing just thought I should repay you for letting me stay here, so here is some alcohol" I gave her my cup and she looked at it warily I rolled my eyes and took a sip "see I didn't poison it" she smiled sheepishly and took the cup drinking it "so at your old village were you like a princess or like a farmer?" "Neither I was a butcher" "woah" "how about you At your little camp Princess or Farmer" I thought about that Clarke is the princess and everyone knows I'm more powerful then she is and I smirked "I'm a queen" her jaw dropped "Who's the king?" I thought about what Octavia said earlier "don't worry your king saved you" my face started to heat up "n-no one" she smirked "you're a liar...is it Bellamy?" I furrowed my eyebrows "how do you know about him I never told you anything about him" "you kept saying his name in your sleep" I felt my face turn even more red "n-no it's not him" I crossed my arms and she laughed "you totally like him, so what's he look like?" I thought about it for a second "Well for starters he's kinda tall he is around (ok in real life he's 5'10) he's 6'1 has dark brown curly hair, tan skin, freckles all over his face, either has a scowl or smirk on his face, he's really cocky and has a huge ego, at first I thought he was a huge dick but once I got to know him he's really not that much of a dick more like an asshole but he's really nice and caring for the ones he loves annndd I think that's it" "what about his eyes?" "His eyes... they are dark brown I always hated dark brown eyes since my biological father had them but every time I look into his eyes it's like there's a sparkle in them" I looked back at her to see her chin is in her hand and she's smiling I chuckle "what?" "You definitely like him, for example the way you just spoke about him and the way you imagined him in your mind you guys are probably soul mates" I started laughing "Me? I do not like Bellamy and he is definitely does not like me" she chuckled "well the way you were describing him about caring for the ones he loves, you wouldn't know that unless he's cared for you which means he loves or likes you" I furrow my eyebrows and thought back to all the memories on earth all of them basically being with Bellamy and us ending up smiling my eyes widened and I look at Tori "I-I've got to go" "why?" "I have to go bash my head into a wall" she chuckled "why?" "I think I like Bellamy Blake" and with that I was out and running back to camp.

I got back to camp and my arm was grabbed I turned and see Finn "hey" "let's take a walk" "did something happen?" "I need you to come with me but I can't tell you why Okay?" I looked at my brother and slowly nodded "yeah okay, wait why?" He sighed "I set up a meeting with the grounders they want to speak to the leader" "okay so why do you need me go get Clarke" "they don't see Clarke as the leader Jade they see you as the leader" I nodded "let me change different pants because these ones are uncomfortable I'll meet you at the gate in 5" he nodded and I ran off and dropped my bag off at my tent, grabbed Jobi nuts, and saw Bellamy "get some people and follow Finn and I, He set up a meeting with the Grounders and I don't trust all of them" he was confused but nodded anyway I then ran back to Finn and he said "ready?" I nodded and we were off.

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