"do you hate me?"

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I woke up and I was on the second floor next to Cassie "hey you're up" I groaned "where's O?" "Upstairs with Bellamy" I nodded and went upstairs to see the grounder tied up my eyes widened I see Bellamy asking him to many questions I go over to him and put my hand on his shoulder "you are asking too many questions at ones" I get closer to the grounder "I'm sorry for them, what's your name..." he doesn't answer "...once you answer all his questions Octavia and I can save you like you saved us got it please" I whispered "Jade get away from him" Miller said and was about to grab me but I grabbed his arm and kicked him in his gut "shut up asshole I'll do what I want and when I want and don't try touching me" he groaned and I let go of his arm "Cupcake leave" "no" he sighed "Jade leave or I'll make you leave" I nodded "and how are you going to do that when I can beat every single one of your 'warrior'" using quotation marks Miller and the other guy grabbed my arms I chuckled and was about to beat the crap out of them but Bell said "let her go and don't touch her" they did and Clarke came in "is my brother okay?" She nodded "but he has a fever" I nodded and slid down the latter "Finn?" "He's over here" Raven said I followed her voice and saw them I smiled and walked towards him and then he started seizing my eyes widened and Raven said "Clarke he seizing" "hold him down...NOW!" I said she grabbed his legs and I grabbed his shoulders and held him down "Dammit" "Jade get out of the way" I nodded and Clarke took my place "go to the second floor and make sure everyone is okay" I nodded and went up the latter and I saw O and Cassie so I went over to them and sat down "do you remember anything from earlier?" I shook my head no "I blacked out" "well you said you hated guys then called one cute then Cassie said truth or dare and you picked dare and she dared you to kiss the Blake's so you kissed me then kissed my brother said I was a better kisser then you went off on my brother calling him a bunch of names then we made you think you called him hot and your face turned red and you said 'well I didn't mean it because your an ugly boy' then you he said 'boy?' And he nodded and said 'yup because you sir are not a man' the he pretended to be hurt and you looked guilty then he picked you up and bright you over to the water and we left" I put my hands on my face "I kissed him!?" They nodded with smirks on their faces "gross" they laughed and said "you liked it dont lie" I rolled my eyes and fake gagged and we saw Clarke going up the latter O looked at me "you coming?" I shook my head no and she shrugged "Clarke my brother?" She looked at me and looked stressed I nodded and went down the latter and walked over to Finn "c'mon Finn you better fight this, we literally just met you're my freaking half brother you can't die not yet" "Clarke will save him don't worry" I rolled my eyes and put my head on my hands and waited.

I heard groaning and climbed up the latter I looked at O and she had tears in her eyes I furrowed my eyebrows and looked to see Bellamy whipping the grounder I got up Off the latter and saw him whipping harder my eyes were wide and O stood up "Please Stop!" "Clarke we are running out of time" Bellamy and I made eye contact and he looked guilty "Cupcake-" "dont!" I backed up away from him he picked up a knife and turned and said "Clarke Jade you don't have to be here for this" I didn't answer him and I hugged Octavia "I'm so sorry" and Bellamy stabbed The grounders hand I looked and it was shaking next think I know Raven is electrifying him "Raven Stop!" "Your brothers dying Jade!" And she did it again I grabbed the knife and I cut my arm "Jade what are you doing!" "He obviously cares about Octavia and I (you'll find out later)" I went up closer to him "which one is the antidote!" I pointed to all of them and then the clear one and he nodded so I took a tiny sip and gave it to Clarke "thank you" "cupcake" "don't touch me!" I got up and looked at the grounder "I'm sorry" and I walked down the latter.

About 30 minutes later I walked back up and see O cleaning the grounders hand I went over and grabbed an extra cloth and squeezed it I went over "I'm just going to clean the blood off your face okay?" He nodded slowly and I did "clean your cut" he whispered I shook my head "I'm fine" he shook his head no and I rolled my eyes. 5 minutes go by and I finished "Jade can we clean your cut?" Bellamy asked I looked down at it "it's fine" "it could get infected" I rolled my eyes "you have 3 minutes go" "5" "times ticking" he rolled his eyes and started cleaning my cut and it was awkwardly quiet "can you at least talk to me" "when I kissed you when I was drunk it was a dare and I think you're ugly just like your personality" Bellamy sighed and wrapped my arm up "I had to do it, if I didn't Finn could have died" "I know but beating...no torturing a person isn't right Bell and you know it watching you beat him it was like it wasn't you and I didn't like that" he looked down at the floor and I could see his eyes all teary he cleared his voice and asked "I think O hates me" I shook my head no "she's just mad that you did it" he looked at me "do you hate me?" I shook my head no "I don't think I could ever hate you..." I walk towards the latter "...and that scares me."

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