Futuristic Dilemmas

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"The future is definitely not going,to come at this rate

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"The future is definitely not going,
to come at this rate.
We're so obsessed with the past.
Like it's going to change if we talk about it.
on tv,
in books,
on the radio,
On our glowing screens,
and from our mouths.

I don't care what you say.
I'm not sorry for the forgotten event.
It's in the pass and now is now.
How can I apologize for something
I don't remember?
Did I even do something wrong?
Or are you just trying to
get me to be like you?
A perfect clone of you.

But I'm not you,
and I burned the
time capsule down.

The past is the past.
The present is now.
We shouldn't even,
be thinking the future yet.
Cause our present is not done.

I don't want no flying cars,
holographic images,
robotic assistants,
or even to live forever.
I don't just to live
in the moment.
In the moment we speak.
In the future,
I know we'll never do so again."

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