Sugar and Bitter

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"All I ever seem to speak are cotton candy words

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"All I ever seem to speak are cotton candy words.
So sweet and
they dissolve so easily.
I feel the cavities forming.
Please don't let it take over me.
Take over me.

I don't like the taste on my tongue.
It really does stay
with me this long.
Sweet turns sour,
and sour turns bitter.

If I speak any bitter words.
They're not so easy to swallow.
I rather hear those bitter words.
Any day.

Why does everything seem tasteless?
It's like it was all artificial.
Not natural,
it never was.

But I think I left
the faucet running.
Broke the knob and
it's over spilling.
No one wants a person
who can't lie.
Maybe I wasn't met for this world.

It already took everything.
I don't want no sugar coated dreams.
Give the harsh reality.
so know that I haven't lost
it in the end."

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