Past, Present, and Future

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"Everyone wants to live forever

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"Everyone wants to live forever.
I don't get the hype.
Youth is such a worldly thing
Like a bad taste on my tongue.
It always starts sweet
and then it gets bitter.
That's when the aftertaste comes in.

Why would you want to live forever?
I don't get why you're so hyped.
I rather get old,
just to move on,
just to leave it all behind.

We are in the past,
the present is slowly disappearing,
and the future is unseen.
They're theories
of how the might end.
But I don't want to think about it.

I just want to think in the present.
Cause that depicts our future.
I want a future
where being yourself is not bad.
Of course not everything
humans do is good.
But for once can I enjoy the little things.
Like a humdrum morning
or a sweet smile.

Cause the past is done.
We can't change,
or press undo.
I want to become a better person in the end.
Even if no one loves me"

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