Chapter 11

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The man came up to us. He sat beside Sophie. I was kinda scared because we were the only ones left and the man. I was scared hell rape us or even worse kill us! O god maybe I'm overthinking this. Finally the man spoke up
Man- I know it looks kinda suspicious that I sit here with you girls but first of all what are you 2 doing in a subway at the middle of the night alone?
S- mmm well we went to a concert and we are heading back to our home.
Man - oh I see well I won't hurt you, I promise. U caught my attention when you were talking about that boy. Zach right ?
I nodded
Man - well something similar happened to me. So boys are stupid okay? Don't let that get to you, but ones he knows your his I promise you he won't let go. Like the woman said, if he really loves you or likes you he will do anything to reach out for you.

The train began to slow down while the driver announced the next stop.
Man- well this is my stop but the only thing I'm telling you is
The door opened
Man- he's a keeper..
he left us. The subway closed they're doors and it started to move
I was standing there shocked by what happened... I never knew stranger could be this nice to other strangers.. wow i kinda smiled JKi smiled a lot, Sophie caught  me smiling.
S- why are you so happy?
Y- I never knew stranger could be so nice to-
I got interrupted by my phone beeping, I saw it quickly before continuing what I was gonna say, when I saw the notification I Clicked on it.!
@imzachheron just posted on their story.
When the story popped on my screen I was shocked I couldn't move. I have smiled and Sophie DEFINITELY noticed
My smile grew, bigger and bigger
Y/n - the Zach Herron just posted about me on their story! Omg I replied and said it was me. I wasn't expecting a reply because I mean... do you know how many girls are gonna reply?? Aaaannnndddd I'm also on his request so....
i closed my phone and we started to dance on the subway... the SUBWAY! We were so happy that he cared, we were exhausted but we still danced like crazy. The subway stoped and we almost fell. We managed to get our balance and we hopped out of the subway.
* skip time *
I woke up at 9am I slowly got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I looked at my mirror and my eyes got wide open.  I GOT REALLY BAD EYE BAGS. shit.
I went to brush my teeth, and get into gym outfit. I was so tired but I mean do what you gotta do, right? I left a note on the kitchen to Sophie to let her know that I went to soul cycle. I grabbed my keyed and headed out. I walked out of my building and walked to soul cycle, it took for about 5 minutes. I had sunglasses on even thought there was no sun because my eye bags were bad. And when I say bad they are BAD. I walked and took some photos with some fans.
I walked inside the apartment, I saw Sophie watching TV and eating some cereal in her pajamas.  I made myself some salad, egg and a little bit of bacon. With that a protein shake with ofc protein powder, banana and some chocarle to add some flavor. I was looking through my phone while o ate my breakfast.
A notification popped on the top of my screen.

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