Chapter 28

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When I got out of the car. Zach was waiting for me at the back
Y- sooo.... I said super awkwardly
Z- look up
I looked at him confused. I looked up and I've never seen so many stars in my life. The shining stars illuminated the whole place. We couldn't see the city so it was peach black, only the stars and the big moon illuminated me and Zach. I smiled, I've never seen something more beautiful.
I looked down and saw Zach. He was looking at me with his sparkly dark brown eyes. He looked calm. We stared at each other's eyes, it was beautiful

*Zach's pov*
When she looked up at the sky I couldn't help but look at her. I kinda got over her through the years, but when I saw her on the crowd it's like all those feelings came back. She looked beautiful, the starts and the moon made me see how beautiful she was. She totally got skinnier that made her look so hot. Her tight dress that made her body look gorgeous, and the perfect jawline, her cute little smile, her corky laugh, and amazing heart. I needed her in my life like limelight and I was never gonna let her go. Ever again, I love her I still do. When she looked back at me her sparkly eyes met mine.

*y/n pov*
I think I like him. I can't help it. He broke my heart but his eyes, his lips, his everything makes me melt. We got closer. We were inches away, my breath was heavy. His hands slowly grabbed my waist, I wanted to stop it but I couldn't, my mind wanted to stop this but my heart didn't. We looked at each other's eyes. I instantly fell for him. His hands slowly grabbed mine and took them to the back of his neck. Our heavy breaths was the only thing we heard. Our eyes never broke contact. His hands on my hips, my hand on his neck. I wanted to kiss him, I didn't care what will happen after I need him right know more than anything. His eyes broke eye contact he looked at my lips, he leaned in slowly, I tippy toed and leaned in as well. Our lips touched. His soft lips against mine everything was perfect. I didn't want to break the kiss. When we pulled away. Our forehead were touching. My heart was going crazy.

*Zaxhs pov*
When our lips touched it was magical. I knew I needed her. Now. When we pulled away I couldn't resist.
Z- y/n....
u- yeah...
Z- I need you. Right now
Y- i need you to.
Heated, not that inappropriate but if you want you can skip :)
When he said that I didn't hesitate, I pulled her by the waist close to me. I kissed her again, harder and even more passionate than last, she was shocked but eventually kissed back. Our lips moved in sync. It was magical. Her hands were tangled in my hair. We both smiled not breaking the kiss. I asked for entrance but she didn't want to. My hands slid down to her but, I squeezed it a little bit and her he mouth opened a little, I took the chance and slid my tongue on her mouth, she looked shocked but I needed her.
Our tongues danced in sync. I walked her still not breaking the kiss and opened the trunk. I sat on the edge still kissing.
Y- what are u doing? She said breaking the kiss yet smiling
Z- come baby I need you
I grabbed her arm and pulled her in. We kissed, I grabbed her thigh and motioned her to sit on top of me. She did. Her hands traveled around my body. She slightly slid my shirt up. She didn't take it off but felt my abs. I slowly unsure but I looked confident slid up her dress until her hips.
She stopped. She looked at me. She then leaned in and kissed again. I felt her bare thigh and her butt. Damn she so beautiful. She stopped kissing and bit her lip. I looked confused at her and she jus smiled enough to with a smirk. She grabbed one shoulder and leaned me back. My legs were still touching the floor but my body was leaned down. She then kissed me. my hand went up and down her body. She broke the kiss and kissed my neck, up to my jaw and my ear, I made weird noses and she just laughed. I kissed her. I then took control. I flipped her over me and kissed her neck. I went up and kissed her jaw and kissed  the top of her ear, noises came out of her. I went to her shoulder. We kissed some more and then we decided to stop.
We curled up on my trunk and stayed there looking at the sky
Hahaha sorry for that... you really wanted that so I Gave it to you, if you want you can skip it, I'm sorry if that was awkward it's just I'm not good at it... PLEASE COMMENT WHAT YOU THINK ILY

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