Chapter 13

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* Y/N pov*
It was Zach... THE Zachary Dean Herron. How the hell did he found my insta.
I waited for some time because I didn't want to seem like a weirdo responding at the moment. I waited for about 9minuted.
I opened the text and typed:
Y- Hey Zach! Glad you found my insta :)
I sent it
Z- yeah! Haha um well I was wondering if like maybe I could have your number? You don't have to ofc.. but i mean we could talk on the phone and even face time some time...
Y- yeah sure!! Here's my number: +———————
Z- thanks ! I'll add you :) I'm glad I found your insta :))
Y- yeah if I'm being honest i was worried as well haha well um itgtg ( I got to go, for the ones who don't know what that meant :) ) 
Z- yeah same I need to go to the studio hahah
Y- i have to edit and to boring stuff hahaha talk to you later?
Z- yeah ofc :) byeeee
Y- Byeeeeee :)
What the hell just happened... I never thought I was gonna talk to him. But I can't have feeling for  him, I just can't he's famous, world tours and we'll have a really long distance relationship.
So I can't have feeling for him. Ahhh why did I meet him... 
Zach's pov
I talked to y/n for a little while. I didn't have to go to the studio but I couldn't just say I was lazy I'm bed. I can't believe I might not see her again..I'm having one more show here in NYC so that means I have today and tomorrow to explore the city and maybe see if y/n and me can do something.

Y/n pov
I finished editing the video and I finished all the things I had to do. It didn't took so long as I expected. It's now 3pm . I'm still wide awake. I decided to text Zach
Y- hey Zach!
Z- hey y/n ! What's up ?
Y- not much haha, what are you doing tonight ? Except having the show.
Z- actually I have no plans haha I was about to go for a walk... or at least do something hahah
Y- well I was wondering if we could do something together.. like go for froyo? Or a coffee ?
Z- omg sure! That'll be amazing! Let's go for a froyo !
Y- okay perfect! Meet me at Central Park at the entrance :)
( I think that there's more than one entrance to Central Park... no clue but let's suppose there's just one hahahah )
Z- perfect :) ill meet you there:)
Y- perfect ! Be careful fans can kill you hahahah
Z- hahaha why?
Y- well idk maybe your famous and have a lot of fans who wants to meet a hot guy?
Z- oh you think I'm hot?
Y- no... I'm in a fans perspective
Z- sure.... I'm already walking there :)
Y- same :) see ya
Z- byeeeeee
I can't believe I just called him hot... I'm not wrong but I mean NO. I walked to Central Park.

* Zach's pov*
I was walking the street when like 5 fans showed up and we took some photos:) it was nice having fans.. I walked up to the entrance. She wasn't here yet so I decided to wait. 5 minutes later she came up to me. Wow. She's much more beautiful than what I expected.

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