Love, Friendship and Brotherhood

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man with short blonde hair in a priest's cloak with skull themed earphones in his ears walked onto the scene, he placed his hand on the ground before speaking as his music could be heard blasting through his earphones.

???: "It's been many years since the last time I set foot on this ground."

The priest then stood up and grabbed the skull themed cross handing around his neck.

???: "Oh, great lord, please..."

The camer then shifted, showing the man standing on the outskirts of the desert leading to Death City.

???: "Grant the people comfortable lives and dignified deaths."

《LEGENDARY SOULS》《Season 2》Episode 1Another day in Death City

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《Season 2》
Episode 1
Another day in Death City.
Happy Smiles with tons of Laughter?

Sid: "Lord Death."

Death: "Hmm?"

Sid was in the Death Room with Death himself, they had just talked about a few pressing issues, but now a new one had come to light.

Sid: "I have a few questions if you don't mind me asking."

Death: "Ask away, all our problems should be dealt with now that were in these times."

Sid: "Well, it's about the Demon Sword. After the battle under the school, she was found being escorted out by Y/n, and after some trouble with Y/n-"

Death: "Trouble? What do you mean by trouble?"

Sid: "He attacked me and any Mister or Weapon the tried to get close to them. It was kinda terrifying considering how insanely strong that kid is. After I managed to restrain him, we were able to capture the Demon Sword and put her into custody, but I think you should be the one who decides how the she gets delt with now that we have her."

Death: "Hmm, Yes I should..."

Sid: "Is there something bothering you sir?"

Death: "Yes, there's something... strange about the Demon Sword."

Sid: "What do you mean by strange?"

Death: "The Demon Sword has devoured a great number of human Souls, right? So we'd expect her to be well on her way to becoming a Kishin. But nothing could be further from the truth."

Sid: "What do you mean?"

Death: "I don't know how it's possible, but for some reason her hasn't even transformed into a Kishin Egg, even with all the Souls she's eaten, on another note, there's seems to have been some sort of purification in her Soul aswell. Do you have an answer Sid?

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