Hot Springs (Extra)

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this is an extra but it would be dated before Anna was born



Law's Sub was behind them, she could sense him with her Haki.  Right now they were heading for a snow covered island, no doubt Bepo was happy. The poor Polar Bear was very sensitive to heat and was commonly a sweating wet fur mess in the Sub. "Bet Trafalgar's crew is happy, they are from the North," Korina commented from her spot in the giant Adam Tree.

The two had been sitting in the rare tree for a while. Even before they had set out on their journey when they were kids to get to Dawn Island the two had spent time in trees.  Closing her eyes she could sense a serene peace that she would not have felt if Luffy was with her. It was always 'Adventure and Meat' with him.

"Captain ! We are all most there !" One of the cooks shouted. It sounded like Honey, she had eaten the Sweets Sweets fruit when she was very little. The now 16 year old made amazing sweets and her own body could become any sweet. Hot as magma, hard as steel and a lot of other things the fiery red head could do with her Devil Fruit powers.

Honey was named that because of her once honey colored hair and that she loved eating the stuff. Opening an eye she saw the rest of the crew run out from all sorts of places. Next to them the yellow sub breached and soon the door was immediately opened. Stampeding were the white boiler suited Heart Pirates.

She could hear them loudly and excitedly talk about the island and the perv talk about girls. "They don't get out much, do they," her sister commented amused by the all male crew's antics. Glancing at the door she saw Law smirking. When he glanced over at her she felt a light blush coming. Now Law had a devilish smirk.

Feeling a bit over whelmed she jumped from her spot to the figure head.


Law was smirking their way for some reason. Looking back to her sister she was about to ask if she knew why but only to be surprised when Brooke was gone. When did she move from her spot ? she wondered as she spotted her sister at the figure head. "Oh well, I hope there are Hot Springs !" she said hopefully.

It turned out that there was a Hot Spring Resort with separated Hot Springs. They had gone to a bar and thankfully there was no bad mouthing of their well known parent. Brooke tended to all most kill them and would leave the idiot to die. They were not allowed to help the idiot(s) at all. Most of the time that tended to be the whole bar, even the Bartender !

They would if that happened to help themselves and take all the money they wanted. So all those who ended up having at least one foot in Death's Door would loose whatever Beli and treasures they had. To be blunt Brooke would turn suddenly scaring. Even the crew would become frightened, it depended the amount and quality of bad mouthing. Then again when they were little it was still the same.

Back to the present

She shook her head to clear the morbid memories. 'Sounds like fun,' her sister commented after learning where the Hot Spring was. The whole crew ended up following the two to the Hot Springs. Even Trafalgar was interested and was now leading his crew to their destination. All the children followed eagerly beside them.


She had paid for her whole crew to be able to heal and relax in the Hot Springs. Soaking in the healing and relaxing warm water she remarked,"This is great, we should get one for the Black Iris." The little girls that had just gotten in were now all most asleep. She could hear them drowsily talk to each other about the water.

What caught her ear was the other side. The Heart pirates had complained that it was not a mix gender bath, that had earned them disgusted glares and even a few smacks. Right now she could hear them whispering about a whole where they could see the woman. Tightening her towel around her she signaled Korina to get the others to move and make sure they were wrapped as well.

Getting out she went to the bamboo wall. She could hear the perverts trying to climb the wall only for the wall to break. At once all the woman, not just her crew ran inside the changing building for females. Walking over to the sprawling group she could see Penguin and Shachi along with a few others she was not familiar with.

Her crew that was male had left before the Bamboo Wall broke. Smart idea, her male crew mates knew better but these Heart Pirates did not. Smiling sweetly she said,"What did I say about spying on us ?" Glaring at the now sweating guys she beat them till they were black and blue. "Run for it ! Penguin and Shachi are goners !" was shouted.

In the end all the pervs were hit with a wooden bucket on the head. Not knowing why she sensed her body turning red. Glancing around she saw Law coolly watching her. What he was thinking she had no idea but his intense gray eyes began to unnerve her. Still in her wet towel she felt exposed in front of Law.

The need to escape unseen became so strong that she broke a staring contest and Karate Chopped with her Haki the water. The giant waves created a wonderful get away but before she left she sent the pervs flying with a kick.

After that she was unable to look at Law as they stayed their for a few days. His eyes were so intense that she felt like Law could see her soul and all her secrets. Just the thought of someone knowing that made her feel dizzy so much that she stayed on her ship while her crew would gather any needed supplies.

The Heart Pirates that she had beaten senseless were still alive, that was what she was told by Korina who would throw them dirty looks just like the rest of her crew.

"You okay Brooke ?" Korina asked concerned. "I'm okay, I just felt, Law. It felt like he could see all our secrets," she said weakly. Korina blinked before replying,"No wonder your shaken, but he can't see our secrets. You have been making sure that we would survive." Korina looked so sure that she had felt better now.

After that she thanked Korina and now explored the snow covered island. It had some strange plants and wildlife which made it enjoyable.

The Devil Sisters Journey (One Piece FanFic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن