Chapter 22

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Chapter 23

4 months and it's a...

Monica POV

"Well Bieber's do you want to know the gender?" the doctor asked.

"Yes please." Monica said as she raised her shirt as they put the cold gel on her tummy as she hummed from the coldness.

"Are we ready for the reveal?" the doctor asked.

"Jay are we ready?" I ask to see Justin smiling at me causing my heart to explode out of my chest for the feeling I have for this guy. "Yes baby lets find out."

They searched for a few seconds until they found what they were looking for before telling us. "Congratulations it's two boys.". I had tears in my eyes but I looked at Justin who's eyes were wide.

"Baby this is what you wanted isn't it?" I asked looking at my proud father to be he smiled saying "Yes baby I'm so proud."


After we found out the gender Jaxon and I went and bought a few things and let's just say that buying for two isn't cheap.
"Hey lil man I haven't heard from you in a while." I said to Jaxon and when looked I saw his tear stricken face as he whimpered "Are you gonna get rid of me after you and Monica have the twins?" he had said this so suddenly it scared me but I replied quickly "Naw why would I give a perfectly built in babysitter?" he kind smiled and began to wipe the the tears away.


I feel unwanted and it's not Justin or Monica's fault it's me I'm not okay with myself.
I've contemplated a lot of things but I can't seem to find a way to let myself go. Letting go meant letting people in, letting people know me personally, falling in love later on and I don't know if I'm ready to do that.

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