Chapter 1

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* Violet's POV*

I remember my parents telling me to go outside and go play they were dealing with something so they just told me to go outside that's when I spotted a group of boys that were playing. I went up to them and introduced myself to them.

" Hi I'm Violet." I said with a smile on my face.

" Hi I'm Wooyoung and these are my friends San, Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Yunho, Yeosang, Mingi and Jongho "
He said.

" well it's nice to meet all of you guys, what are you guys playing? " I asked them.  

" we are playing pirates" Mingi said.

" you are welcome to play with us" Wooyoung said with a smile.

" No she can't play because she's a girl" Hongjoong said.

" yeah she can't because she has cooties" all the other boys say.

Wooyoung looked at me and looked back at the boys and he said "you can watch" 

I didn't say anything and I just sat down away from where they were playing so I could watch them.

After watching them for a couple minutes I decided that I wanted to play with them so I got up and walked over to them.

I was standing by Wooyoung when all of a sudden  Jongho said.

" why is she here I thought we told her to go sit down" when he said that all of the other boys got up and said "yeah" except for Wooyoung. 

"I see what the problem is..... you have a crush on her" Yonho said to Wooyoung.

" NO I DON'T" Wooyoung yelled

When Wooyoung pushes Yonho then the other boys ran to the fight and they try to get Wooyoung off of Yonho. 

I literally did not know what to do I ran back to my house to tell my eomma and appa. I was freaking out.

I got to my house and Open the door and I stepped foot into the house and then I literally start yelling.


My parents came down quickly and out the door and I was leading them over to the boys on which is all of them we're fighting now. My parents try to stop the fight.

A minute later the fight stopped.

My parents were pissed and the other parents, they all came out of their houses and literally started to drag their boys by the arms.

My parents took me to the house and they started yelling at me making me cry.

"Eomma appa I'm so sorry I hope you can forgive me I'm really really sorry that I got into a fight." I say with tears running down my face.

They didn't say anything at all they just looked at me they were pacing back-and-forth in front of me mad as hell. I could tell that my appa really wanted to say something because he stopped and tried to say something then he stopped and started pacing back-and-forth again.

Then my dad finally said something to me
" Who are those boys and why were you fighting with them?" He said with anger trying not to yell.

" I asked them if I could play with them and one of them said that I couldn't play because I was a girl and then one decided to push the other one and start the fight I wasn't really in the fight they were fighting over me because one of the guys wanted me to play with them but the others didn't" I say trying to wipe my tears but I started crying even more when I said that.

After I said that my parents didn't say anything they just gave me a look that meant to go upstairs into my room my appa looked really mad and my eomma wasn't really that mad. I walked upstairs into my bedroom and sat on the bed with my niece raised up in my hands on my knees with my head down and literally started crying.

I am just a little kid I don't like I don't know what to do in that situation and I don't understand why my parents are making a big deal out of it like I didn't even know what to do that's why I ran and got them and then the boys his parents came as well to stop them.

Then I hear my eomma come in and she starts talking to me.

" Hey sweetie it's ok it's just appa is just trying to protect you and he wants you safe that's all you're not in trouble it's all right."

I didn't say anything I wrapped my arms around her and started crying I didn't want anything bad happening to the boys at what I was thinking about and plus I did not like how my appa was he yelling at me like I did something completely wrong but I didn't even know what to do. 

Those boys are my friends I know I just met them today but I know they are my friends.

My pirate King (ATEEZ Jung Wooyoung fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now