Lion (Prinxiety)

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Virgil is given a stuffed lion by Roman for his birthday that is very special to him and likes a lot. 

One day, after finishing filming a Sanders Sides video, Virgil goes back to his room to vent to the lion (name it whatever you want) but it's gone. 

And Virgil absolutely p a n i c k s because 1) It's a gift his crush gave to him and 2) It helps him during anxiety attacks so Virgil just tears up the mind palace looking for it and drags Patton and Logan to help him before Roman finds out. Roman ends up finding out somehow (maybe Patton spilled it to him?) and he helps look for it. Virgil looks everywhere and starts having a breakdown. That is, until Roman ends up finding the lion (where? don't ask i have no idea) . He goes up to Virgil and gently hands him the lion and starts to comfort him, saying how he's not mad at Virgil. 

Roman walks Virgil back to his room and they're both awkward and blushy and shit because they're gay disasters™ and Virgil wants to give Roman a kiss to say thank you but because he's Virgil (aka an anxious as hell gay) he kisses the lion plush and then presses the plush to Roman's lips.

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