Pining Patton (Logicality)

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Patton keeps a diary where he writes all of his feelings.

Today I made everyone some cookies! I think everyone really liked them which makes me really happy!ヽ(〃^▽^〃)ノ

Yesterday Thomas made pasta! I'm so proud of him! He's finally becoming an adult. Adultery! 

Dogs are SOOOOO cute!! Thomas found an adoption page for all of these cute puppies and I REALLY REALLY REALLY want them all!  (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾

Eventually, Patton ends up writing about the other sides.

Roman helped me decorate our Christmas tree! He said that it had to be extra glittery and put a bunch of ornaments on it. Then he broke them all by tripping on one of the wires of the Christmas lights when he saw Virgil without his makeup on. 

Virgil gave me a hug today!! I love my dark strange son! (*^▽^*)

I was reading a book of dad jokes last night when Logan made me some hot chocolate! And it made my insides all fluttery for some reason. And is it weird if I say that when he smiled at me my heart started beating really fast?

And then he gets a crush on Logan. And basically starts gushing about him in every way possible. 

Logan is so smart. I wish I was smart like him. He's also really cute when he adjusts his glasses♡♡♡

Logan made another dad joke today!! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) He's always denying it but I think it's funny! And he's adorable when he's all flustered!!

Did I ever write down that Logan is my hero? I mean, he's super smart and cool and good at everything! I don't think he really like me that much though...

You know who has five letters in their name, misused the word infinitesimal, and wears a unicorn onesie while reading? Logan!

He smiled at me again!!! Logan smiled at me!!! I felt like my heart was going to explode at how absolutely adorable he was! ♡(≧∇≦) ♡

After finishing writing his diary entry, Patton puts his notebook on the living room table and decides to bake some cookies. He starts humming to himself when he suddenly hears something fall on the floor.

Patton dashes to the living room to see Logan, bent over to pick his diary up. Patton's heart comes to a stop.  


Logan jerks his head up like a deer caught in headlights . Patton clasps his hands over his mouth. 

"Oh, sorry Lo. Um, did what's inside that by any chance?"

"Is there something awry with that journal?"

"N-No. It's just my...diary..."

"I see. My mistake Patton, I had accidentally knocked into the table."

"It's okay."

Patton rushed over and picked up his diary. He turned to look at Logan with a bashful smile and put his notebook on the kitchen counter instead, not realizing Logan never answered whether or not he read his diary. 

Logan on the other hand, stood in the living room with a light blush dusting his face. 

"So he thinks I am adorable, huh?"

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