5 + 1 (Prinxiety)

537 14 13

Me: I'm gonna make these shorter!

Also me: Writes 3k of Prinxiety

Oops :P

Is this an excuse to shove my love of horror rpgs into a fanfic? Yes, it is. May I present: 5 times Roman managed to get Virgil to fall in love with him more and more using references from his favorite horror rpgs and the one time Virgil did.

Also I wrote this in three days and it shows. 

Slight spoilers for The Witch's House, Aria's Story, Mad Father, Alice Mare, Angels of Death, and Ib probably.

TW: Small hint of NSFW//Nightmares

1.) The Witch's House

If Virgil thought about it, it was all Patton's fault to begin with.

He was browsing tumblr in his room when he heard a knock on his door. When Virgil opened it, Patton was standing there giddily.

"Hey kiddo, wanna play truth or dare with me and Lo? And Roman of course."

Virgil took note of how the dad-like side had said "me and Lo" with a slight blush on his cheeks.

"Sorry Patton, not really."

Patton whined. "Aw, why not? It'll be fun Virgil!"

"I don't feel like it."

Virgil was about to head back inside his room when Patton stopped him. He had puppy-dog eyes on his face. "Please kiddo? Just this once?" he even had the audacity to whimper too. Virgil sighed.


"Yay! Well, come on!"

Patton dragged Virgil into Roman's room where said side and Logan were having a bit of a...disagreement.

AKA they were having another rap battle.

Patton managed to stop Logan from roasting Roman (Virgil was sure Logan only did so because Patton was clinging to his arm and he was about five seconds from short circuiting) and the sides began their game of truth or dare. As they sat down, Virgil couldn't help but steal a small glance at Roman. Look, he was very gay and very much had a crush on him what were you expecting?

"Alright," Roman began, "Virgil truth or dare?"

Virgil rolled his eyes. Of course he would pick me. "Truth?"

Roman grinned, "Okay, if you had to kiss me or my brother, who would you pick?" he said with a smirk on his face. Patton made an "ooh" sound and it was Logan's turn to roll his eyes. Virgil flushed a bit and fiddled with a loose string on his hoodie.

Just fucking great.

"...I guess Princey."

Roman's eyes had widened, which was not the reaction Virgil was expecting.


The next few rounds were more fun. Virgil managed to shoot Deceit with a Nerf gun (much to the latter's annoyance), Roman had reluctantly put on some of Virgil's eyeshadow, Patton had confessed that his first cactus died, and Logan somehow ended up shirtless (Virgil smirked when Patton just stared at him, his jaw dropping).

"Roman, truth or dare?" the moral side stuttered out, trying not to look at Logan. The prince-like side replied, "Dare." Patton smiled. "Use a pick up line on Virgil."

Now it was Virgil's turn to blush as Roman turned to look at him. The anxious side shrunk in place. "Are you Ellen from The Witch's House? Cause you cast a spell on me." Roman flirted with him. Virgil felt his face heat up and hid his face behind his hands.

A Prinxiety, Logicality & Dukeceit BookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora