The Love Potion (Prinxiety)

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(This is so cliché but I couldn't help myself ω;)

AU where Roman is a witch's apprentice who helps make and sell potions. 

After a long day of work, Roman is exhausted. He flips through one of the potion books looking for something to kill the time before he gets to go home. He ends up finding a love potion, which looks easy enough to brew and fun to make. 

Roman makes the drink with ease and contemplates using it on his annoyingly cute roommate Virgil, who he always bickers with. And maybe has developed a  humongous crush on. Who knows? But Roman wouldn't do that. He's above playing with people's feelings. And once the potion wore off? Virgil would never even look at him. 

Roman puts the potion in his bag, says goodbye to the witch he is working for, and heads back to his apartment. Unsurprisingly, Virgil was sitting and taking a nap on the floor while the low hum of Cinderella echoed from their TV. Roman blushes a bit considering how adorable Virgil looks and puts the potion bottle on the coffee table (because plot convenience). He goes to his room and changes then enters the living room again only to find an awake Virgil with a half empty bottle of the love potion in his hand. 

"Roman that tasted awful I hate carbonated drinks."


Yeah so turns out that while Roman was changing Virgil thought Roman gave him a drink and drank it. Roman was internally panicking, because 'Holy Zeus, my crush just drank a love potion'. Virgil's just confused. 

"Is there something wrong Romano?"

"Do you feel...any different from usual?"

"No? A little sleepy considering I just woke up but that's it? What's wrong?"

"Oh, never mind."

Roman is weirdly conflicted. Because yay, Virgil hasn't madly fallen in love with me but I made the potion wrong. What happens if he is forced to make one again? Plus, Virgil isn't madly in love with me.



"That was a love potion, wasn't it?"

Virgil tilts his head while Roman starts externally panicking. His face flushed a deep crimson and the talkative prince-like witch suddenly became tongue-tied. Virgil stood up and waited for an answer. Roman swallowed.


Virgil's eyes widened slightly at the last part, but then they softened at the way Roman's confidence and pride was crumbling. He was hiding his face behind his hands and kept explaining his situation.

"So, it was a love potion?"

Roman nodded.

"Yes, but it appears didn't work. I'll just go..."

Virgil stopped him.

"I think I know why it didn't work, Ro."


Virgil smiled at him, a light blush rising to his cheeks. Roman's heart was fluttering in his chest as Virgil stepped closer to him.

"Because I already love you, idiot."

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