Movie Nights and Gross Kisses (Dukeceit)

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Quick Note: I didn't come up with the idea of Deceit and Remus watching terrible movies. mayflowers07 on tumblr did that; I just added what I thought a movie night for those two would be like. 

Every Tuesday night Deceit and Remus have a movie night where they watch the absolute most trashiest movies they can find. Mean Girls 2. Santa Claus Conquers the Martians. Valley of the Dolls. All of them.

So Deceit usually buys all the movies and Remus gets the snacks. AKA popcorn with chunks of deodorant and candle wax in it drenched in three jars of mayonnaise. Or any nasty variant of popcorn. One time Remus went to use the bathroom and Deceit swore he saw a tail move in his popcorn bowl. 

Naturally, Deceit is never hungry when the movie is playing.

After Remus charges in with the popcorn bowl and a giant cup (Deceit has learned to use his imagination for what's inside at this point) the two get ready to laugh at terrible line deliveries and shitty acting skills. Remus adds the occasional weird comment and throws popcorn at the TV during completely random scenes. He also mimics all of the sexual scenes with random props around the house making Deceit exasperated but always cracks him up.

And somehow at the end of each night, Deceit always manages to kiss lips that taste like popcorn infused with a garbage disposal.

But he doesn't mind. After all, he does love the stupid person they belong to.

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