Twinkling (Logicality)

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so,,,i wrote this at around midnight and i just got around to editing it,,,the only thing i'm going to say about the original story is that it was about 1k long and made no sense,,,

don't ask how logan and patton can kind of see in the dark i didn't know how to execute that without adding some light source which would cause light pollution

"Logan, dance with me!"

Thomas's logical and moral sides were stargazing in a secret section of the Mind Palace. Logan had always viewed the secret field that was hidden behind his "closet" door as a place of solace and comfort. After particularly long days or when he yelled at one of the others he went out to the field and looked at the stars. Sometimes he dragged out a telescope and charted planets and constellations. Other times he sat in silence as he witnessed meteor showers and fleeting stars.

He couldn't recall when exactly Patton had joined him in his hobby, but he did remember that it was a day when he snapped at him suddenly. Logan had regretted it soon after and headed to his stargazing fields. But apparently, if there was a god of fate then they must have wanted to mess with Logan by leaving the door to his haven open. Patton had wandered in and after an apology on Logan's part, the logical side had spent the rest of the evening explaining the phases of the moon for Patton. To tell the truth, Logan wasn't sure Patton understood a single word he uttered besides "moon," but he seemed intrigued by what he was saying.

Now, Patton had stood up and extended a single pinky finger towards Logan, a twinkle of excitement dancing in his eyes. Logan felt his face grow rosy as he hesitantly reached his own pinky finger out to wrap around Patton's.

"Patton, you know I'm not much of a dancer..."

"That's fine, Lo! I'm not the best either but it'll be fun as long as I'm with you!"

Logan blushed even more and shifted his gaze towards the ground. He knew what his feelings for Patton were and was tentative to accept them as a part of him. He was the logical and reasonable side and wasn't one for romance. But he had figuratively fallen for Patton's cheery smile and his kindness. He was so bright and always made others laugh.

I might as well start forgetting my feelings. I'm not joyful and vivid like Patton. I figuratively bottle up my emotions and cannot express them like him. Patton deserves someone as wonderful as himself.

As Logan dwelled in his hopeless unrequited love, Patton had pulled out a small silver necklace out of his pocket. It was a musical locket that Logan had made for him for his birthday. The locket itself was shaped like a heart, similar to Patton's emblem, and played Steven Universe's "Love Like You."

Patton put the locket on and opened it. A melody twinkled in the night sky. He then took Logan's hand and held it, intertwining their fingers together. Leisurely, the two swayed back and forth, slow dancing under the stars.

Logan gathered up the courage to finally look into Patton's bright blue eyes. The logical side's breath hitched as he saw said blue eyes twinkle in the moonlight, a smile growing on his face.

He's otherworldly...

And even though the only sound was the soft hum of a musical locket, it wasn't awkward. It was a euphoria for Logan. Waltzing in pure bliss under a curtain of stars with Patton. The moral side cracked the occasional pun about meteors and space every once in a while and even managed to get a laugh out of Logan, surprising both of them.

When the song neared the end, Logan willed it not to stop. He didn't know why he did, considering it wasn't possible to keep it going unless he grabbed the locket and ran off to extend the song, but he desperately wanted the moment to last forever. The locket sang it's last note and Logan was left holding Patton's hand in the moonlight. Both sides stared at each other with slightly rosy cheeks.

Patton took a deep breath in, gaining Logan's attention.

"Hey, Lo?"

"Yes Patton?"

"Can...can I kiss you?"

Logan was stunned at the dad-like side, who gazed up at him awaiting his response. Logan felt a smile come on to his face.

"Y-Yes, you may."

Patton pressed his lips against Logan's softly. Logan blushed but kissed back and cupped Patton's cheek. As they pulled away breathlessly, Patton giggled.

"Is it safe to say that I really like you?"

"It would be illogical if you kissed me and you didn't, Pat."

Patton laughed again and gave Logan another kiss under a thousand shining stars. 

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