Trashy Pick-Up Lines (Dukeceit)

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Even after they started dating, Remus liked to shower Deceit in with dirty pick-up lines because he could. He never failed to get a reaction, mostly an eye roll or a "Sssssstop," but Remus swore it was always accompanied by some rosy cheeks. 

"Dee, my name is Remus."

"Wow, I wasss unaware."

"Well now you are. Remember it, because you'll be screaming it tonight ;)"

"...How did you say that out loud?"

One time, after Remus made Deceit some coffee, the tables turned.

"They call me coffee because I grind so fine." Deceit smirked and Remus laughed and blushed.

Needless to say, Patton always wondered why Deceit and Remus were always screaming each other's names at night. 

(I'm trying to make these shorter; It takes too long to write a lengthy one and I'm busy from all my summer homework *'Д`*)

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