Birthday (Dukeceit)

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me? uploading the dukeceit chapter right after the logicality one like i used to and not waiting a week to do it because i'm bored and want soft dark sides content? more likely than you think.

i'm not sure if all schools do this but in the morning you wait in the cafeteria/auditorium for about ten minutes before you head to your classroom.

Human AU

(They're about 10)

Dolion didn't know where or when he had picked up the habit of lying, just that he did. The other kids at school called him "Deceit" because of it but he didn't mind. None of the kids seemed to want to talk to him except for his close friends, Virgil and Remus. Virgil had transferred out of his class though, so Deceit was left dealing with Remus by himself.

It was as chaotic as you think it was. Remus would dance on the desks while rapping inappropriate songs, go through the classroom's garbage can for "snacks," and he even once brought in a raccoon for show and tell. No matter how many times the teachers yelled at him, punished him, or gave him detention Remus would never stop being his anarchic self.

Maybe that's why Deceit liked him, though the only one who knew was Virgil.

Deceit got tired of Remus's shenanigans daily and had no idea how the wild child kept it up every day. But a part of him was secretly fond of how Remus didn't obey the school's rules and didn't force himself to be someone he wasn't. Remus wasn't orderly like his twin brother Roman, but that was what drew Deceit to him initially.

Not that he'd ever admit it.

Anyway, today was Deceit's birthday. His parents didn't let him stay home but they did give him a cupcake for breakfast. It was his favorite flavor too.

That Friday when the children were waiting in the cafeteria to go to class, Deceit was waiting for Remus when he was approached by Virgil.

"Hey, Happy Birthday Deceit."

Virgil had handed him a birthday card that he had drawn himself. The cover was a detailed snake (Deceit's favorite animal) with a yellow party hat. Deceit smiled.

"I despise it, thank you."

Virgil huffed a laugh and went back to his friend group. Their stood two boys wearing glasses, one wearing a simple black shirt the other wearing a light gray cardigan over a bright blue shirt. Deceit took note of the fact that Roman wasn't there.

Wait if Roman's not here...

Does that mean Remus isn't here either?

The bell rang and the kids headed to their respective classes. After Deceit put away his bag and sat in his chair, he waited for Remus to show up.

He comes even if he's sick.

So where is he?

As the class filed in and the teacher took attendance, Deceit kept staring at the classroom door, waiting.

"Class, as you know Dolion's birthday is today, so we're going to sing Happy Birthday!" The teacher announced, pulling Deceit's attention away from the door. Some of the class groaned, calling Deceit "a liar who didn't deserve to be sung to" or something along those lines. The teacher didn't seem to care and started singing anyway.

The class reluctantly joined and Deceit couldn't help but give a smirk at a few of the kids he particularly disliked. The ones who threw paper balls at him and called him a freak. The ones who were sick of him lying all the time. The ones who thought he was a weirdo.

Yet he couldn't help but feel a bit sad at the same time. Because Remus wasn't there. And anyone who is in school who has a best friend knows the feeling of loneliness that comes when they don't show up.

The class finished singing "Happy Birthday" and Deceit sighed as he prepared himself mentally for a long day of school, when suddenly an absolute god awful singing voice entered the classroom.

Deceit slowly turned towards the door and saw the one and only Remus Crown holding a giant six foot rattlesnake plush, completely butchering "Happy Birthday" as he walked in. Remus wore a stack of yellow party hats and had drawn a mustache on his face using black sharpie. He was snickering as the class erupted with laughter and confusion. It was utterly ridiculous and chaotic of him to do so.

And Deceit loved it.

After "singing" his song, Remus had gone up to Deceit's desk and handed him the snake plush.

"Happy Birthday Dee! I'm a little late because I couldn't find the snake plush. Roman said that it was in the closet but it was actually by the garden shed!"

Deceit took the giant rattlesnake plush and hugged it tightly. Remus looked delighted.

"I hate it. Thanks so much."

The class soon calmed down after the whole fiasco and the teacher made Deceit put the snake in his locker. Remus offered to help him do so and the two were out the door before their teacher could stop them.

Deceit made Remus hold the snake as he opened his locker. When Remus handed the gift to Deceit, Deceit noticed something.

"Did...did you take a shower?"

"Oh, yes I did! Mom made me. She's such a-"

And Deceit kissed Remus's cheek before he could say whatever he was about to say. He quickly turned away from him and put the gift in his locker. Remus raised a hand to his cheek with a small blush on his face and a huge smile.

"So all I have to do to get a kiss is take a shower?"

"Don't push it."

(Later, when they were older and started living together, Deceit would show Remus that he kept the plush from their childhood. Would Remus take the snake and try to perform his rendition of "Anaconda" with it and completely devalue the gift's meaning? Yes he would. But was it worth it for Deceit seeing Remus's eyes light up when he saw the snake plush? Yes, it would be.)

okay, in the unedited version of this there was a part where virgil and deceit had a talk about deceit's crush on remus but this is already about 1k so...yeet i guess. 

we're almost at 600 reads! thank you all so much╰(*'︶'*)╯♡

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