Normal day:)

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Vanessa POV:
  8:26 a.m, Wednesday
I woke up to a blaring phone call from Madelaine asking to hang out. Of coarse I said yes than hoped in the shower to get ready to spend the day with my bestie. Once I got out I received a text from Charles. If I'm being honest here I've liked him for awhile,he's always so sweet to me and knows how to make me feel better. Also he's very very good looking.
Hey I was wondering if you wanted to hang out later tonight catch a bite to eat and see or movie or something?

When I read the message from him I squealed. I may be a little dramatic sometimes. I was very exited to get to hang out with him. He always makes my day so much better even if it's just a simple smile.
Sure,pick me up at 7:30?
Sounds perfect see you than

He's so perfect isn't he? Now I have to wait for Mads to come over. I can't wait to tell her the news! Yay!
Vanessa outfit for the day:

 I can't wait to tell her the news! Yay!Vanessa outfit for the day:

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Madelaines POV:
6:57 a.m
I woke up laying in bed next to Travis who was snoring, very loudly. So I decided to get out of bed and make my coffee. Travis has the day off and so did I but I didn't really feel like spending time with him much today. And than it hit me I haven't seen Vanessa in two days so why not spend the day with the best person in the world! I than was about to call her but I knew she wouldn't be awake because she never wakes up this early so I waited until about 8 to call her. She was still asleep when I called, what a shocker she loves sleeping. Once I called and told her we were hanging out and she said yes I got very exited.maybe a little to much...

I than grabbed my clothes and head off to the shower. When I got out Travis was awake on his phone sitting up in the bed. "Hey baby" Travis said looking up from his phone and smiling. "Good morning" I said with a smile than I began searching for clothes to wear for the day. Travis than came behind me wrapping his arms around my waist. I really didn't feel comfortable but it's only because I don't like hugs or really anyone touching me. "I'm heading out soon to meet Vanessa" Travis than groaned "its both our days off and you really don't want to spend the entire day with me but instead with Vanessa?" Travis said getting very irritated as he walked over to sit on the bed. "I'm sorry but I haven't seen her in a couple days plus we spent most of yesterday with each other" I said walking over to him and placing my hands on his face. "Alright fine but we're going out tonight on a date so be home before 7:30" Travis said pulling me into a quick kiss. "Okay I will promise" I than left to get ready to meet Vanessa at her place.
Madelaines outfit for the day:

Madelaines outfit for the day:

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