Part 14: Why i love you

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Madelaines POV 1 week later 11:55 pm:
Vanessa was lying in my arms barely breathing as I held her against me tightly, crying more than I thought I ever could. "Baby please don't leave me !" I begged Vanessa. And than she said her last words I'm never gonna here again, "madelaine i-...I love you n-n-ever forgot tha-" And with that she stopped breathing. "No baby ! Baby please answer !" I held her against my chest crying hard.
    "Baby!" Vanessa said shaking me awake. I woke up to find myself crying, I looked over to my side to see Vanessa concerned and scared. I grabbed her the second I saw her, I began crying into her chest. She wrapped her arms around me rubbing my back. When ever I was upset/crying Vanessa would say something about our relationship that made her happy like a cute moment so that's what she did. "Hey baby remember when I got a concussion?" Vanessa said laughing. I giggled but still letting tears escape my eyes. "We were so caught up in our tickle fight I didn't notice that I was close to the edge and feel right off" she said letting out a laugh. "Remember how the tickle fight started my love?" She said kissing the top of my head. I shook my head yes as tears escaped my eyes but only silence and light sniffles filled the air. I began smiling thinking about the memory of Vanessa and I. Ten minutes pasted and I was calm now. I released from Vanessa's grip and looked into her eyes. "I love you, you know that right?" I say resting my hand on hers. "Yes baby and I love you" she said kissing me on the cheek. I know this might sound cheesy but when she would say I love you to me I just want to squeal, I know it's weird but I just can't believe I was lucky enough to meet this girl. We only have a couple months together and I want to make these months the best but not to out of the ordinary. I've never and never will love anyone more than I love Vanessa and I want to explain that to her.
     "Before we start eating breakfast can we watch a quick episode of Jane the Virgin please?" Vanessa said looking over at me. "Yes my love" I say, she than lays down and stretches her arms out for me to lay into her. I stood up and jumped on top  of her and began tickling her. "Nooo babyyyyy" Vanessa said in between laughter. I pinned both her arms on either sides of her. " I love you" I said as I looked down at her. "I love you Mads but now can we get to my show?" She says. "Okay my love" I say letting out a giggle and getting off her. As I was getting up Vanessa held on to my wrist. "Yes baby?" I said turning around to face her, as she was sat on the bed. "Now that I'm thinking about it" she says seductively getting up and walking towards me. "My show can wait" she said inches from my face, she than leaned in as did I. When she was about to let go of my lips she nibbled at my bottom lip. She than pulled away and walked out to the living room. "Wow way to tease!" I scream at her trying to act mad but I honestly can't be mad at her.
Later on in the night:
Vanessa really wasn't feeling well and she was really cold but it was like 80 degrees in the house. She had herself wrapped in a big blanket while laying on my chest. Vanessa would always do this because when you have cancer I guess it was normal to always be cold. The good thing about the situation is that Vanessa hasn't lost any hair. The doctor said it's odd because the pills and kimo do that to you. But again Vanessa is strong she can fight through anything.
   Vanessa's POV 3 weeks later:
So it's been a month since I've learned I have cancer and now I have stage 4 cancer. Mads had to go see her mom for a week and she didn't want to go but I made her go because her mom needs her. Mads is supposed to get back tomorrow and I haven't seen her face at all or texted her because where her mom lives has no reception. Mads doesn't know I have no hair anymore. After a month of kimo and taking the pills my hair than began falling out. I know Mads is gonna cry when she sees me because she's gonna realize that this cancer thing is becoming more and more realistic. She should be home soon so I'm cleaning up, I have only booty shorts on and a crop top, I'm actually freezing as usual but I figured Mads wouldn't be as sad when she sees that I have no hair if I am not feeling cold. Which Mads always celebrates the little things like the fact I get off my period she gets happy ;)😂.
      Madelaines POV:
I haven't spoken or seen Vanessa in a week because she forced me to go see my mom and I've never missed anyone more in my whole life. When I see her I know I'm gonna cry because I'm emotional as hell. I set my carry on and luggage on the side of the door and grab my keys out. I unlock the door both exited and nervous, I don't know how bad the cancer has been since I've been away. I walk in to see Vanessa sitting on the couch texting someone. She looks up from her phone. "Baby !" I scream running over to her and jumping on top of her. I hug her for about 5 minutes before she pulls away, " I missed you!" I said as I kissed her lips very passionately. "I missed you to my love" she said after the kiss. I than left as many kisses as I could all over her face and when I got to her forehead I realized something. I took the beanie that was on Vanessa's head off and realized she had no hair. "Baby?" I say shocked still looking at Vanessa shiny head. " I know baby, it all fell out a couple days after you left" Vanessa said looking down. My eyes began to water, my baby really is dying. I wrapped my arms around her neck, hugging onto her as tight as i could. I cried into her chest and she held onto me tightly, she softly began to rub my back as I cried. I knew she was dying so I needed to get everything i feel about her out to her. I began to calm myself down and let go of Vanessa and sat down beside her. "Baby I need to tell you how you make me feel and why I love you because I know one day, which will be soon I won't be able to tell you. And just please don't interrupt" I said intertwining her and is hands. She nodded her head looking down at our two intertwined hands. " when we were just best friends and I realized I had feelings for you I freaked out. I thought my life was gonna be ruined, you know for liking my straight best friend." I laughed at the memory. "But now I've realized I should have made a move on you quicker" we both laugh at my comment. I really really did wish I kissed her ages ago because it would have gave us more time together. "I don't love you just for your looks, or the fact your a celebrity. I fell so hard for you for so many different reasons, the way you care for people even if they treat you like shit. The fact your aunt didn't accept you but yet you give her expensive gifts for her birthday and make sure she's doing good. You really do have the biggest heart in the world, even when your upset at me or we get into a heated argument you always come to check up on me. Even when your upset with me you still cuddle with me, because you know I can't go to sleep if your not touching me.Your so passionate about the things you love to do, when you act, you really put your whole heart into it. When people try to bring you down, you always somehow see the positive thing in it. You always tell me your hobby is to be around me which is the cutest thing you could say but I honestly think your hobby is to help people. I never thought in a million years that a person could be perfect. But that was until I met you, you want me to bring the good out of me, shit you even have my mom volunteering to help out the community and she's not the type to do that. God Vanessa your perfect in every way, you always point out what you think is ugly about yourself but whenever you say what you find ugly about yourself I don't see anything ugly. I see perfection !" By now we're both crying hard "I'm supposed to be the romantic one" Vanessa says, we both laugh. "Baby I love you so much you know that, but look if" Vanessa pauses. She than grabs both my hands and another Tear drop comes down her face landing on our hands. She looks into my eyes "w-when I die" I cut Vanessa off, "baby I know the doctor said you only have three months but you can fight it" I say looking at her with a very messy face. Vanessa looks down at our hands and bites her bottom lip not wanting to say what she had to say next. "When I die I don't want you to be sad or depressed or anything, I want you to go travel, see your family more, and f-find someone who will make you happy and start a family with that person" Vanessa says tears coming out of her eyes. I was shocked to say the least, she's crazy if she thinks I can move on from her "baby I can't do that, I only want to start a family with you and only you" I say crying. "Baby just please promise me you'll try to find someone when I die" she says desperately. "Your not going to die, you can fight through it I know you can" I say crying harder. I looked down leering go of Vanessa's hands and crying into my own hands. She than began rubbing my back and I put my head into her chest crying. "Please baby just promise me" she says wrapping her arms around my body. I slow down my crying so I can talk clearly, I move my head from her chest and look into her beautiful eyes. "Only if you promise to fight no matter what" I say looking into her eyes, she looks down at her hands not knowing what to say. "For me baby?" Say hoping she'll promise. "I promise my love" she says looking at me "okay than I promise too" I say showing a small smile. "I love you" I say resting my hand on the side of her face. "I love you"
Thank you so much for reading this far into my book😂I have about two more chapter left until the book is finished, i guess we will find out whether or not Vanessa survives🤷‍♀️ anyways thanks so much for the view it honestly is incredible ! Can't wait to make another story. Also leave suggestions on what the next chapter could use ! Sorry if there's mistakes this chapter was sorta rushed😂💕

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