Part 7:

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    Madelaines POV:
I wanted to tell her how I felt so bad so after we hugged, once I pulled away we were inches apart and I couldn't resist. I leaned into her lips. She didn't kiss back and pulled away almost immediately and it really broke my heart and I knew I made a huge mistake. I turned away to run out until she grabbed my hand pulling me back to her. When she pulled me back I was against her body and she leaned in quickly  our lips moving slowly together. It felt incredible I am kissing the girl of my dreams, I knew it was wrong to be doing what I was doing but it felt perfect and I couldn't help myself. Vanessa then pulled away which my lips than felt cold. Not having her body against mine made me feel cold which I didn't like not having her against me. When she pulled away she looked upset so I rested my hand on her arm. "I'm sorry did I do something wrong" I say looking down at the floor, it made me upset to know I made her upset I didn't like that and I felt sorry. Vanessa than pulled my head up to look at her. "No it's just..." she looks down at her feet. I can tell she was feeling ashamed but what for. "What wrong?" I say watching her. "Mads I like you a lot.." she smiles and than goes sad again, "but?" I say still very confused. "I love Charles, I'm marrying Charles...but I like you and I don't know what to do" she says letting a tear roll down her face. I wipe away the tear "I...I know and I'm sorry for ever kissing you it's just... I don't know I just couldn't stop myself."
She than looks up at me, "Mads i want to see where what this between us goes but I do want to marry Charles and it wouldn't be right to him" she says tears rolling down her face. She was upset and I felt absolutely horrible for putting her in that position. Than an idea popped in my head which I hope she would agree to doing it. "Nessa, how about we secretly date just to see where it goes, we won't tell anyone. And that way you'll still have Charles and you'll be seeing if your really meant to be with me instead?" I saying looking and sounding hopeful. Vanessa than look up at me smiling and than frowns again, "how about we do that but can we speak to Charles about it that way I won't feel that I'm being disloyal in any way?" I felt so glad that she was giving us a chance I've been waiting for this moment for so long. "Of coarse I just hope he's fine with it" I say, " he will be trust me at one point we had an open relationship" she says laughing as do I. "Now can we cuddle again because I already miss it?" I say pouting, which she than giggles. "Of coarse baby" she says giving me a peck. Once she pulls out of the kiss I giggle. "What's so funny?" She says smiling. "You said baby, and that makes me happy" I say smiling very very hard. "God your so cute, now hurry let's cuddle" she saying kissing me again. We lay back on the couch, Nessa lays down first and I than lay down. I wrap my arms around her waist and back laying my head in the crook of her neck with my legs already tangled with hers. She than wraps her arms around my body, "I could get use to this" she says kissing the top of my head. I giggle lifting my head up to kiss her. Each kiss we had didn't show lust but it showed love which I have never felt. It showed me Vanessa didn't want me for 'fun' but to enjoy her time with me. God this made me happy, she made me happy I've never been this happy but I still had so much to think about. Me and Charles would be competing over Vanessa's heart which is big I could win and have the best thing in this entire world or I could lose and with that I could lose the love of my life and my best friend. Look I know it's soon and you already think I'm crazy, and there's no way anyone could already say they love someone this quick but hear me out. I've known Vanessa for almost 4 years now and I know her better than anyone and I always know what she's thinking. And I love her as a friend but now It's different I get to kiss her. When I hugged her before it was much different than before, now it's I don't know how to explain it but it's feels like I have the whole world in my arms, sorry didn't mean to sound cheesy there.
Vanessa's POV:
While laying down having Mads cuddled into me felt nice, very nice and I wish I could have her wrapped in my arms every night. I really hope Charles will be fine with this but I have to know if leaving Charles for Mads is the right decision. I love Charles I really do but I don't know it's never felt right with him, don't get me wrong he's a great guy he's never raised his voice to me, he never talks back and he communicates with me. He's so sweet and kind but I don't know I catch myself thinking about Mads while I'm in his arms sometimes I think what it would be like to be in Mads arms instead. I like Mads a lot I have for a long time now and it feels so nice having her know my feelings and her have the same feelings towards me. But I don't know I'm scared of what people with think. Charles is an incredible guy and if I dump him I'll feel so bad because he's never done anything wrong he's always been by my side and he never does me wrong but it doesn't feel right with him.
Oh and don't get me started with Mads she's absolutely PERFECT I mean look at her. She's stunning on the outside but the inside is just as better. She's such a caring,kind,intelligent,brave, independent, positive, considerate, compassionate ambitious person and than it hit me I'm in love with her. Wait how?! Our relationship had just happened but I've realized those words that I just described her with god I could keep going if I wanted too.i can't believe it I love madelaine pestch! I than look down at her and she's sleeping, when she sleeps she is so adorable like you have no idea. She's an actual angel, I grab the remote to turn off the tv because I'm pretty tired myself. I look down at Mads one last time and kiss her head, drifting off to sleep.
Madelaines POV 6:36 am:
I woke up in Vanessa's arms and I have woken up in her arms before but this time it's so much different I know that I'll be able to kiss her and look at her for as long as I want which is so incredible. I look up and shes sleeping, and if you saw her sleep you'd watch her sleep all night long, I wish I could. I decided I wanted to do something nice for her so I decided to make her some pancakes with fruit so I slowly got up. Removing her hands from around me. I kiss her forehead and head to the kitchen to get started. About 40 minutes pass and I'm still making pancakes, I know that's forever to make pancakes for just two people but i had to run to the store to buy batter because she ran out. As I was flipping one of the pancakes I felt arms wrap around my waist and a head on my shoulder. "Good morning my love" Vanessa says kissing my cheek. I than turn my body around to face her, "good morning beautiful, how'd you sleep?" I say giving her a peck on the lips. " I slept incredible because a certain special someone was in my arms" Vanessa says grinning up at me. "Hmm I wonder who that special someone was" I say tapping my chin with my finger. "And how'd you sleep my love?" Vanessa says happily, " I slept incredible so the same reason as you" I say giggling and rubbing my nose to her nose. I than peck her lips and turn around putting the pancake on the plate near me. "You made me pancakes!" She says kissing my cheek. "Of coarse I have to make my special girl a special meal" I say smiling. "Your the absolute cutest" she says kissing my bare shoulder and than walks off. The second she left I felt cold and I already missed her touch. God somehow I'm falling more in love with this girl if that's possible. I had no idea where Vanessa was but I finished making the pancakes and went to look for her.
I checked the bedroom first cracking the door slowly. Vanessa was laying on the bed laying on her stomach. I than walked in "Hey baby" I say walking over to her, she was on her phone and I noticed the name tag she was texting. It was Charles I'm guessing because the name said 'Baby😍🥰' god that's annoying the girl I love texting her boyfriend. She than sent her text which I don't know exactly what is said but I know it said cute. Ahh I hate this sharing thing already. She put her phone down and sat up next to me on the edge of the bed. "Your pancakes are done babe" I said I tried putting on a fake smile but I already knew she could tell it was fake. "What's wrong baby?" She said frowning taking my hand. "Nothing, lets just go eat breakfast" I got up walking out the door when she grabbed my wrist. "Check your phone love" she said smiling at me. "Why?" I said "just trust me now check it baby" she said taking my hand. With my free hand I grabbed my phone out and saw a text from Toni 'hey thought I'd text you and say you look cute today I know your just in the other room but jeez I miss you already'. I can't believe she did that just for me and also my contact name in her phone for me is cute I like it. I giggled feeling completely stupid for acting jealous and pretty embarrassing. "Now don't be upset with me come on let's go eat babe" she said taking my hand and going into the kitchen.
Vanessa's POV 8:47 am:
These past two days have been incredible thanks to Mads. I can't believe that I have this girl and I can call her almost mine ugh this is just so frustrating. I have fallen in love with Madelaine but I'm in love with Charles well at least I think I'm in love with him? I don't exactly know but I'm gonna have to choose and at the moment I have to say I wanna choose Mads. I know she just came back into my life like what a couple days ago. But I don't know I can't just do that to Charles it's wrong to do that to him which is why today I'm telling him that he has to share me with Mads. And I really hope he takes that well. I'm getting dressed while Mads is on the couch I'm supposed to meet Charles for lunch at some new restaurant and that's where I'm telling him. I'm supposed to meet him at 11:00 but might as well get ready now so I'm not rushing and so I get to cuddle with Mads more. I did my hair half up half down and put socks on leaving my room. I saw Mads very sad laying on the couch when I saw her sad it made me upset so I ran over to Mads sitting next to her. She was laying down with her arms wrapped around a pillow. "Baby what's wrong?" I say very panicked. When she saw me she lit up. She let go of the pillow wrapping her arms around my neck holding me tight. I giggled very confused on what was happening. "I missed you!" She said hugging me tighter. "Awe baby I missed you too" she seemed kinda off not really her. I really didn't know what was up with her but I didn't want to push and ruin the cute moment we were having. "Cuddle?" She said pouting, "is that even a question princess" I said giving her a peck on the lips she layed down and put out her arms out as I stood up from the couch. "Wait I need to do my make-up" I said walking away. "Really babe why do you even need to do your makeup?" She said crossing her arms while sitting up. She looked upset but I don't know why she never had a problem with me wearing make up before. "Well I like wearing make up and why is there a problem with that?" I say walking back to Mads right infront of her. "Nothing it's whatever just go get it all nicely done just for him!" She says very angry and leans back with her arms still crossed. It was so cute when she was jealous she was pretty hot if I'm being honest. But I don't want to go that far with her yet I want to take it slow and make it special. "Your cute when your jealous" I say to her giggling. She doesn't even look at me still looks the other direction. "Baby, don't be mad please" I say sadly I don't like her being upset especially at me. I walked between her legs and looked down at her resting my hands on her knees. She still didn't look at me. "How about I make it up to you, I'll cancel his and our date and reschedule so we can cuddle all day?" I say very hopeful. She turns her head to me with a huge smile. "You'd do that just for me?" She says looking up at me. " do anything for you" I say smiling down at her. Her face lit up even more after that if it's even possible because I've never seen her this happy. "Awe Nessa your gonna make me cry" she says with watery eyes. "Awe baby why would you cry?" I say as I hug her and she wraps her arms around me while still sitting on the couch. She had her head in my stomach crying, as I rubbed her back and went back and forth through her hair. "Nessa I know this is so soon like very but after last night I've realized so many things and I'm so so happy that I get to be with you like you have no idea" she said letting go of me and wiping her tears away. "Mads I'll always be here and plus theres no where I rather be than here in your arms and I mean that with my whole heart" I say wiping the little bits of tears left on her face.she began to stop crying but her eyes were very puffy. "I have to go call Charles and I'll make the call quick promise" I say kissing her on her forehead and walking to my room.
C:hey babe
T: hey,bad news
C: yes?
T: I have to cancel our date tonight
C: baby why?
T: Mads isn't feeling well so I'm gonna be taking care of her. I'm sorry
C: it's okay baby maybe tomorrow and if you need anything please call
T: I will
C:love you
T: love you too bye
I felt bad for lying but I needed a good reason to cancel. Now I get time to spend with Mads.
Madelaines POV:
Vanessa than left to tell Charles she couldn't make it which made me so happy. She's cancelling a date with her fiancé to cuddle in bed with me. This is already such an amazing day and it's about to get better. Getting to cuddle up to the girl I love most in this world for the whole day! What's not to love about that. I layed down on the couch already missing Nessa. It's kinda bad how much I miss her when she's just in the other room but what can I say I can't control my feelings especially for her.
Nessa than came back with a blanket in hand. I looked up at her from the couch and admiring her face. She really had no flaws not a single one, she's perfect and I'm lucky enough to get to be here with her. "What are you thinking about?" Vanessa said looking down at me. I realized I've been staring and must have been staring at her for a minute now. "Just thinking about how lucky I am!" I say smiling looking up at her. I stuck both my arms out for her to climb into my arms. "If you want you can lay in my chest instead because im always the one to" She said setting the blanket down beside my feet. "Yes please" I say getting up off the couch to than Vanessa layed down in my spot sticking both her arms out for me to climb on her. I did almost immediately not even thinking it was almost like a reflex but we have been doing it for a year now. Yes even as friends I guess that's how we both got to touch one another without it being weird well other people thinking it was. I wrapped my arms around Vanessas waist while putting my head in the crook of her neck. She than rested one arm over my shoulder resting it on my back. The other hand was on the other side of me rubbing my shoulder. She than kissed the top of my head "wanna watch love island?" She says while grabbing remote from beside her. "Well yeah that's our show Nessa" I say digging my head more in her neck. I could smell her perfume perfectly it smelt of her signature smell of vanilla. I loved her smell and I thought of an amazing idea to get ice cream from it.
"Baby?" I say looking up at her
"Yes princess?" She says looking down at me with a smile
"Can we go get ice cream?" I say
"I don't feel like getting up and driving but if my girl wants it she's getting it so let's go" she says kissing me and getting up. Ahhhh she's the absolute sweetest and have I mentioned the hot part? Yeah she sweet caring (everything that makes a person perfect in this world) and she has the looks I mean look at her who wouldn't fall for her and those dreamy eyes?! Shes like some angel or something I swear!
   I hope you guys are enjoying and I hope it's not getting to boring but next chapter will have a bit of drama and tension so be prepared. Also thank you so much for the support it makes my day:) and if you have any ideas on how the next chapter should go message me:) thanks for reading❤️

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