Part 17: my baby❣️

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      Madelaines POV:
Cami than came running around the corner and just as she came around Vanessa let go of my hand. I looked down to see my hand by itself and it felt cold and empty without hers in it. I than look up from my hand to see cami very upset. "So Vanessa, do you want to explain on what happened before I came ?" Cami said crossing her arms. "Look babe I just wanted to make sure madelaine was okay" Vanessa said walking closer to cami and looking into her eyes. "So nothing more happened?" Cami asked Vanessa. Vanessa than took camis hands into hers, "nothing baby." Cami than smiled at Vanessa and than looked behind Vanessa to face me. "I'm sorry that I attacked you" cami said sincerely to me. "It's okay" I say rubbing my arm not really sure what to do now. Cami smiles at me and than turned her attention to the love of my life. They began to walk away while holding hands and Vanessa turned back to look at me and smiled. But this smile was a sorry, we'll talk later smile. I smiled back and as I did she turned the corner with only sound of her boots hitting the ground was left. I sighed, very confused on what happened but god how much I've missed her. I than began walking back to where I left lili.
Table read:
As lili and I were walking to the table read, I heard her laugh. The absolute best sound in the world ! I smiled as I heard her laugh, I've missed that sound more than words can describe. I stopped for a second to just listen. "Your still in love with her aren't you?" Lili said. I looked up at her smiling "I never stopped" I said and she nodded her head and we walked into the room where that contagious, loving, incredible laugh was coming from. As I walked in Vanessa and cami were sitting at a big rectangular table. There was papers on each seat with names. As I walked in cami looked at me and began to get up and than Vanessa turned around to see me. Cami walked up to me smiling, I stood there very confused on what was going on, did Vanessa tell her we kissed? Did she tell her we told eachother we love one another? So many question ran through my head but it all stopped when cami began speaking. "I'm sorry about earlier, I just want to make sure that we were okay and if we could possibly start over again?" Cami said sincerely. I really hated how sweet she was and how she meant everything that came out of her mouth. I than smiled at her, "of coarse cami, I missed you" I said smiling and going in for a hug. I genuinely meant what I said, I did miss her and I wanted to start over but I have no idea how I can without getting jealous of the fact she's dating Vanessa. As we pulled out of the hug many people began to fill the room, "please everyone sit" Roberto, the producer said taking his seat. Cami than walked to the opposite side of the table to where her name was at, I walked around the table looking for my name and when I got to Vanessa I realized that my name was right beside hers. She looked up at me and smiled and I looked back down and smiled. I than took my seat, just as I did Vanessa whispered in my ear. " you look absolutely gorgeous today" she said softly. I smiled and began to blush as I heard her say it. She than leaned back into her chair as I sat there very happy about the whole day.
  Vanessa POV:
After I complimented her I leaned back in my chair very happily. She made me so happy, but I'm not sure how I'm supposed to tell cami. As Roberto began talking I scotted my chair up and layed my arm on the arm rest under the table. Just as I did madelaine put her hand on my arm. She slid her hand slowly down my arm until she got to my hand. She than intertwined out fingers, and than squeezed on my hand 3 times. When we were together we would say I love you by squeezing one another's hand three times. As she did that I began smiling and blushing. I sqeezed her hand back 3 times. I looked down at our hands, I smiled as I thought about how happy I used to be with her in my arms every night. And how much I've missed it. I than got a text which made a loud noise everyone looked towards me. "My apologies" I say very embarrassed. Roberto than nods and keeps talking about the new show. I grab my phone and silence it and than look to see who texted. It was cami...

Should I be worried that madelaine keeps watching your every move ?

I than look up at my phone towards cami but she's purposely ignoring me. I than let go of Mads hand and begin to type back to cami.

Are you serious cami ! God I've already explained to you nothing is going on between Mads and I ! She means nothing to me. I broke up with her for a damn reason ! I don't love her anymore, okay ? !

Once i sent the text I felt  a pair of eyes on me, I look beside me and I see Mads with tears forming in her eyes. I begin to feel guilty immediately. We both started into each other's eyes for a second than everyone in the room began to stand up and leave. Mads than gets up as tears began to fall. She than takes off out of the room, I tried grabbing her wrist but right as I was about to cami stepped in between. "Sorry about what I said baby, now let's go find my trailer !" Cami said happily. I knew I needed to give Mads some space so I went with cami to go find which trailer she would be using for the next 5 months.
    Couple hours later:
Cami and I were cuddled on the couch, I was wide awake but cami was fast asleep. The whole cast had to stay overnight because at mid-night they'd be shooting there first seen. I quickly but steadily let go of cami. I got off the couch and grabbed a glass of water. I decided it was the best time to go look for Mads and explain everything. I put my shoes on and grabbed a coat. I walked out of the trailer but it was very quiet and empty. As I was walking from one trailer to another looking for the name madelaine I heard cry's coming from one trailer without a name. It was hidden in the corner and not going to lie kinda of scared me. I walked up to the door and knocked, I wanted to make sure whoever was crying was okay. As I knocked the crying stopped. Someone than opened the door and of coarse it had to be Mads. I hate seeing her cry ! Once Mads realized it was me she broke down again. I climbed up the two steps and grabbed a hold of her as she cried into my arms. "She's gone Vanessa ! She's gone !" Mads screamed into my chest, I was very confused on what she said but I held onto her as tight as I could. I closed the trailer door and pulled her with me to the couch. She cried into my chest very hard for the next 30 or so minutes. The whole time I rubbed her back and held her as tight as I possibly could. She began to slow down her breathing and released her grip on me. She than moved to the other side of the couch and held her knees to her chest.  " my moms dead" Mads said traumatized. Believe me when I say I wanted to ball my eyes out because that incredible woman was like a mother to me, she was one of a kind but I knew I needed to stay strong for Mads so I grabbed her and held her closer than I ever have before.
       6 months later (sorry I keep time jumping but I really need to finish this story so I can start a new one):
   Mads has gotten much better since the last time you've seen her. Her and I have gotten really close just like we used to be. We're best friends just how we started. But....I obviously still love her and I'm in love with her so, I broke up with cami a week ago. I plan on asking Mads to finish what we started. I love this woman more than I could love anyone and the thought of losing her again makes me scared. I really don't know how I lived a month without her, nevermind a year ! I know this is weird to do but I want to propose to Mads. I know your probably thinking I'm crazy but Mads and I know everything about eachother, we've planned out our future and everything. So why start over again, when we could just resume what we started.
Alright guys one more chapter and that's all:(
I will be starting another story once this is finished and I promise to make the ending the best thing yet ! Thanks for the support it truly means a lot<3

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