Part 18: Happily Ever After💜❤️

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      Vanessa POV:
So it's October 3, and it's 15 degrees outside and it's snowing really badly. I'm on the coach watching "Hell Fest" (which if you haven't seen it go now it's a really good movie:)) as I'm laying there watching the movie Mads comes out from her shower. I didn't realize she did until she came and reached over the couch giving me a kiss on the cheek. We actually haven't kissed at all and I really want to kiss her but I'm nervous ! After she kissed my cheek I looked up at her smiling, she looked down at me and smiled. She than flicked her eyes to my lips and I kinda got nervous so I sat up really quickly. "Wanna watch with me ?" I say trying to act like everything was normal. She than began giggling, I looked over at her confused on what was so funny. "What ?" I say very confused but also smiling because she's so cute when she laughs. "Your just so cute" she says while she stops laughing and smiles looking into my eyes. I break eye contact after a second because god those eyes and that smile make me MELT ! I look down at my hands playing with my fingers, I tried not to think about the fact she called me cute because than I'd scream !
Madelaines POV:
I could tell I was making Vanessa nervous when I called her cute, and I enjoyed doing that because how cute she was when she got nervous. I than sat beside her on the couch, we weren't really that close so I began to think of a reason to have her closer to my body or even better so we could cuddle. An idea than popped into my head ! "Vanessaaaaaa!" I whined trying to act the best I could. "Yes Mads" she says smiling, that smile just ugh I don't get how someone could be so perfect ! "I'm cold !" I whined, she than began giggling and getting up "I'll go get you a blanket princess" she said bowing to me. She than began laughing and walked off. "Very funny !" I yell to her, "I know" she said still giggling. I smiled, just thinking, or being around the girl made me happy. I than laid down on the couch getting comfortable. She came back with a soft blanket in hand, "very funny, now where am I supposed to lay ?" Vanessa said smiling. I than lifted myself up grabbing the blanket and getting more comfortable, I than scotted closer to the edge of the couch, to the point where my body was almost falling over. I nodded my head to behind me and she smiled , rolling her eyes. She than got behind me, but instead of resting her arm around me she kind of laid awkwardly so we weren't touching much. I frowned and decided I need to be the one to make the move, of coarse. I rolled over so that I was facing Vanessa and I put my head into the crook of her neck and wrapped my arms around her waist very tightly. I never realized how much a person could miss something this simple. She than slowly wrapped her arms around my body, and god I've missed this, So much ! I missed feeling safe in her arms and how her simple touch made my body feel warm. Every second I'm with her or see her I get these butterflies in my stomach still even after years I'm still utterly in love with my best friend. We may not have worked out at first but god I don't think I can be friends with someone I'm in love with. I Sigh into Vanessas chest louder than I expected to, Vanessa looked down at me smiling. "What's on your mind beautiful ?" Vanessa said, I looked up from her neck smiling, GOD SHES PERFECT I thought, "just how much I've missed this,....missed us" I say looking down nervous on what she was going to say. She than put her hand under my chin pulling me towards her. "Me too" she said smiling she than slowly pulled her head toward mine and the second I realized she was trying to kiss me I quickly pushed my lips into hers. I've missed those lips on mine and the second they touched it felt as if life made sense again. We slowly moved our lips together, living in the moment.
Madelaine POV (the next day):
I woke up to the smell of pancakes cooking and I knew it was Nessa. She always does the little things that make my heart melt ! I quickly got out of bed exited to see Vanessa. I see her cooking and swaying back in forth while the song "oceans" was playing lightly in the back ground. I went behind Vanessa wrapping my arms around her waist and resting my head on her shoulder. She smiled looking over at me resting on her shoulder. "Good morning" Vanessa said smiling. I than moved my head so that the side of my face was resting on her shoulder. "Morning" I said smiling as she went back to cooking. We stayed in that position until she finished the pancake. As she put the pancake on her plate she spun around wrapping her arms around my neck.
     Vanessa's POV:
I hummed from how happy I was to be with her. "I've missed mornings like this with you" I say looking down at her lips and back to her eyes. "Well I was thinking since this is our last week off until I leave for Brazil we could i don't know..." I began rubbing my hand up and down her arm. I look up from her arm about to finish my sentence until I feel her body right against mine and than soon her lips fall gently onto mine. I could feel her smile as we kiss, she's so cute and her lips are so perfect. It's almost like her lips weren't meant to be on mine for the rest of our lives. She than pulled away, she smiled down at me and than her facial expression changed. She looked nervous but exited. I put my hand on the side of her face. "What's wrong baby ?" I say very concerned
Madelaines POV:
"What's wrong baby ?" Vanessa asked very concerned. I love when she's concerned about me because it shows just how much she cares. It really warms my heart. The thing is I was upset well nervous, I wanted to tell Vanessa right than and there that I loved her but god I'm nervous ! Will she say it back ? Does she feel the same ? You know what screw it I love her and I want her to know that. I grabbed ahold of both of her hands and held them tightly. "Babe your scaring me" Vanessa said concerned god she's cute ! I look up to be meet with her eyes, "I love you" I say looking down very nervous and also scared of what she was gonna say next. "Mads..." she says bending down to meet my gaze as I was looking down. " I love you more" Vanessa says smiling. The second she said those incredible words that I've been waiting for felt incredible. I began smiling brighter than I ever have before and jumped on her wrapping my legs around her waist.
        Vanessa POV (one day before I leave for Brazil):

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