Part 15: is this the end?

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Madelaines POV 5 days later:
It's honestly been the worst year of my life. The love of my life is dying, and honestly nothing in this entire world is worse than that. I haven't had much time to spend with her lately. Which I'm sad about because I want to spend as much time as I can with her. It's just whenever she has a day off from being busy and from kimo, I have work. And when I'm at work I'll check Vanessas story or location and it'll show she's with cami. Not even really Charles and I just have a gut feeling Cami has or is gonna make a move on her. I really don't want to say this but there's always a tiny part of me that feels like Vanessa has cheated or is cheating. I don't know why either, Well Travis cheated on me twice at the start of the relationship and I guess After that I've had trust issues since . I just hope nothing happened between cami and Vanessa. Anyways I don't feel like talking about it so an update about Vanessa's health ! It's been so good lately, I mean she still has no hair BUT she isn't really cold anymore AND she's able to workout without being so tired in less than 5 minutes. Which is absolute incredible !
Later in the day (Mads POV):
So I just got done with work and decided to get Vanessa some tea on the way home as just a little surprise. I haven't seen Vanessa in two days, not even layed in bed with her. We've been kinda distant lately because how much time she's been spending with cami🙄 I knew tonight I was gonna change that;) I quickly got her tea and rushed home. I really couldn't wait to see her, I park and almost fall getting out of the car trying to rush and see her. As I open the door I peak my head in and Vanessas no where on sight. And that's when I get a really bad feeling. "Baby?" I yell through the house still no answer. I set my and Vanessa's tea down with my car keys and purse. I than get a sick feeling in my stomach and run into the bedroom. But the beds Nicely made no one in sight. I than search through the whole house still no sign of anyone. I than decided to just call Nessa.
Calling "Baby😍🥰"
V: Hello
M: baby where are you?
V: oh sorry I forgot to tell you I'm spending the night at camis
Are you serious she is again !
God I can't even deal with this right now
M: okay whatever I gotta go
V: wait what's wrong baby?
The second she acted concerned, I snapped:/
M: are you seriously gonna act like you care right now ! I brought you tea so that we could stay into night and cuddle because I haven't seen you in two full days Vanessa ! I haven't slept in the same bed as you, and your getting so distant ! I'm trying to be there for you and spend time with you but oh no you rather spend time with Cami ! God Vanessa is there something going on with you two ? Huh because I know for a fact you rather spend time with her than me !
V: your seriously asking if I'm fucking cheating on you with cami ? Wow madelaine you've really steeped that low ?! You seriously think I'm cheating ?! God I'm seriously done , I've been spending time with cami so much because she's helping me come up with a huge reveal to you that my cancers gone !
Did she just say what I think she just said
V: I love you madelaine and the audacity you have to think I cheated or have been cheating on you with cami is absolutely crazy and honestly I'm done...!
M: what do you mean your done huh ?!
V: I'm done with you Madelaine our relationships over okay?
"Baby😍🥰" ended call
I don't know what to do the love of my life's cancer is gone but than.... she dumped me. I stood there the phone still against my ear in shock. I just got incredible news and... just got broken up with. I dropped the phone on the floor once I processed what she just told me, I fell to my knees crying on the floor.
No ones POV:
  Trust me when I say Madelaine felt horrible, she can't believe she thought Vanessa cheated or is cheating. Madelaine sat on the cold wooden floor for two hours, she just cried and when she stopped she couldn't help but think about Vanessa because that's all she does. And when she thought of Vanessa she thought of what happened and she broke down again. 
      Vanessa's POV:
"Our relationships over okay?"
I than hung up the phone right after. I was shocked over what just happened, shocked over what just came out of my mouth. I than began crying, Cami ran over to me and hugged me tightly as I cried into her chest. I-I just lost the love my my life...
I'm so sorry for not posting much but life's been hectic lately I have 2 d's and 1 C for school so life's not to good😂also I just broke my left ankle so that means much more free time to write ! Hope you enjoy and hope you had a good day:) sorry if there's mistakes I wanted to get this out as soon as possible !

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