Chapter 9

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Jimin awoke to 3 faces staring intently down at him. His eyes widened as he remembered all that happened. He tried to sit up but felt pain shoot up his side. Groaning, he laid back down onto the cold floor of the coffee shop, closing his eyes and breathing hard.

Once he opened them again, he began to register the concerned faces above him... and he flushed. He made direct eye contact with Mr Tall Dark and Shady, who was hovering practically right above his face.

Jimin panicked and he shot up, ignoring his pain in his side and the concerned hollers of the others. Using the counter for support, he quickly stood, but his knees betrayed him. Jimin's legs felt unsteady and he began to wobble, about to fall.

Suddenly he felt a pair of hands steady him, holding his waist tightly. Jimin turned around quickly, only to once again come face to face with Yoongi. He quickly let go of the smaller boys waist, his expression unchanging. This caused Jimin to stumble back even more, blushing furiously.

Once he steadied himself and took some deep breaths, someone spoke up, "Jimin, what the actual fuck happened to you?!" His best friend practically screeched as he walked over to the exhausted Jimin. Yoongi quickly backed away as Jimin scowled slightly. He didn't feel great (obviously) and physical contact with someone who was basically a stranger didn't help, which only added to his already building attitude.

He swooped his hand through his ruffled hair several times. His irritation and remaining fear started to shine through. Taking several more deep breaths, he collected his thoughts and began to calm down. Calm down, he was trying to help. You're okay. Why are you so worked up?

He was about to explain his little... adventure, when he realized that he hadn't seen his dog. His fear and irritation began to build again, "Where's Ddosun? Did you see him?! Oh my gosh if som-," but his manager interrupted him.

"Jimin... chill. He's in the back room. He ran straight here, it's okay. God, you're more worried about your dog than yourself! Look at you. What the hell happened?"

Jimin relaxed a bit, knowing his little friend was safe. Turning back to the task at hand, Jimin relayed his story to the audience in front of him, irritation quickly dissipating.

When he finished, Taehyung and his manager were fuming. "That little bastard. We'll teach him a lesson. No one touches Jimin and gets away with it. He'll burn in Hell for this. Once we're done with him, he will WISH he was in hell!" The pair started stomping towards the door, but Jimin moved to intercept them... or at least attempted to, almost tripping and falling on his face.

Once he caught his balance, he turned to them, "Leave it alone, it's not your problem. I'm okay so forget it and move on... Honestly he probably would've left quickly afterwards if he had any brain cells." Jimin's calm voice astounded them.

They all just shook their heads, not understanding his want to move on so quickly. His manager, her name tag reading Aris, lead him into the back room to get some bandages, still fuming. The rest of the group quickly following.

A few minutes later, after being wrapped up, Jimin was sitting by the window, reading a book. He was practically yelled at by Aris and Tae to not work and to take the day off, so Jimin complied, realizing the fact that he could barley walk anyways. But since Tae wanted him to walk home with him, Jimin was stuck in the shop. It's not like he could go anywhere alone anyways, but he still didn't like being cooped up.

Yoongi left a bit after he was bandaged. Jimin knew it was really sweet of him to come check on him after seeing him running through the streets looking like a madman, but he still treated Yoongi with hostility. He barely knew him, but he still checked on him. He felt absolutely terrible when he realized that he didn't even thank him for coming. But he hoped that Yoongi would understand... after all, he was attacked.

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