Chapter 9

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Seven's POV

I meet with Max after school. She is very relieved to hear what happened. Of course, that isn't really what I'm paying attention to. I notice something missing. Will isn't here.

"Hey Mike," I start. "Where is Will?"

"Oh... he uh... wasn't feeling good," he tells me unconvincingly.


I want to believe Mike, but I just can't shake this feeling. Maybe it's from seeing Dart earlier. I just can't help but wonder if this could be connected. Part of me doesn't want to get involved. That would mean getting involved in the upside down and Hawkins Lab... but I also know that that may not be a choice.

I get in my car and drive to the Byers' house. I see Jim Hopper's car parked out front. I walk up to the door nervously. I feel a chill go up my spine as I knock on the door.

Mrs. Byers open the door and greets me with a tired smile.

"Hello, Casey."

"Hello, Mrs. Byers."

"What are you doing here? Are you looking for Jonathan?"

"No, ma'am. I'm actually looking for Will. They told me he wasn't feeling well."

"Oh yes. I think he's come down with something. He should be fine."

"Are you sure that's all?"

"Casey, I don't think I understand what you're saying..."

"Upside down," I spit out before I can think.

She looks at me for a moment before speaking.

"What was that?"

"Upside down."

"I don't think I-"

"Mrs. Byers, I think you do."

"Is this a part of one of those stupid conspiracy theories about why Will disappeared? I can tell you that those theories are wrong."

"We both know that one of them is not."

For once, I somewhat hope I'm right...

Nervously, I flip my wrist over. I reveal the tattoo reading "007." Her eyes go wide. She looks at me and tries to speak, but words don't come out.

"If it is just some conspiracy theory... then I guess I'm a part of it."

"Come inside."

She guides me into the house. Hopper looks at me with a confused look. I don't think he understands why I'm here. My suspicion is soon confirmed.

"Ummm... Hey Shorty..." he starts. "Why are you here?"

Shorty... Hop gave me that nickname two years ago when he first met me... Of course, I was maybe five foot at the time. Let's just say, I hit a late growth spurt. He used to patrol the school on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays after something went down a couple of years ago apparently. He saw that I typically sat by myself and would actually come eat lunch with me.

"I'm here because I have some idea of what's going on."


I flip my wrist over to show him the tattoo just like I did to Mrs. Byers. He looks shocked by it.

"My name isn't Casey... my name is Seven."

"You're from the lab..."


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