You Can't Do It On A Tree

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{Hey a/n this chapter is definitely dedicated to PeterPanSquad and books_and_music_babe bc their comments make my day. Love y’all!}

“Is that the greenie alarm?’

“Yes! First box since yours. Ready, shuck?”

“As i’ll ever be!”

“Race ya!”


Newt took off running, and I chased after him. I stopped before I fell into the platform. He and Gally pulled open the gates, and I watched as the boys inside lost their minds. I eagerly looked inside for another girl. That was the only thing I wanted, expect out. I really wanted out. The girl was the only thing that I craved. But, as I looked in, there were only 6 very confused and scared boys. Alby pulled them all up, and I saw some look angry and some terrified.




I walked up, and stood in front of them. I held out my hand, and and shook each one.


“Any of ya shanks got a name?”


I saw someone in the crowd smile, and it was Sean. Obviously, he had remembered my escapade when we showed up to the Glade. He caught my eye, and mimicked me stamping my feet and yelling. I shook my head and grinned. All the boys looked at me oddly, and I narrowed my eyes.


“Deaf? Alby, I might have to make them sloppers.”


Alby chuckled, and I felt a hand on my shoulder.


“Ember, slim it nice and calm. You’re hurtin’ more than helpin’, ya know?”


I turned around, and saw Newt smiling at the boys.


“Alright, Newt. Do any of you have a name?”


One boy cleared his throat, and shut his eyes.


“Where are we?”

“Names first, then information.”


All of a sudden, I remember when I came up. Telling Newt my name was the absolute hardest things in the world. I softened, and stepped back. Newt stepped forward.


“Look, all we need are names.”


The one who had asked where they were stepped forward.




I shook his hand.


“Hello, greenbean.”


One of the other boys swallowed, and jut his chin out.

Inevitable (tmr/newt)Where stories live. Discover now