Heroes (IRON MAN! Male! Reader x Blake Belladonna)

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(A/N: One shot of Blake x Male! Iron Man! Reader that has a set up on Endgame and they have a child. SPOILER: IF YA'LL HAVEN'T WATCH ENDGAME YET DON'T GO SAYING I SPOILED YA! LET THIS ONE BE A FAIR WARNING.)

It was a normal thing for (Y/N) to work, he's been up for most recent days, and Jaune is annoying him to solve the quantum effects. In other words, Time Travel. Ever since 5 years ago, when Salem made the snap and eventually retired and been tracked again by the team, Nora made sure to aim for the head instantly killing the mad Salem in process.

He's been up all night researching and doing the time travel map, but that was until he was successful with it.

"Shit." he mutters. It was a girl with (E/C) eyes, black hair with cat ears on top of her head and she's about ages 4 or 5, the male smiled at the kid who is sitting on the stair looking at him with those eyes and giggles. "Shit" She says.

(Y/N) put his finger in his mouth, "Why are you still up, little miss?" He asked. The child giggles.

"Shit." She says it once more. (Y/N) look at both sides of the room just to see no one is there and that includes his Wife, Blake Belladonna. If she ever heard her daughter curse she will kill (Y/N) and made her foot stuck where it supposed not to be. "Ah, Alycia, no, we don't say that word." He says. "Only mommy says that word, she coined it, and it belongs to her." He says not wanting to get in trouble.

"Why are you up?" She asked.

"Cause I have some important shit going on here." He says making Alycia frown up to him in a playful manner. "What do you think? Ah- no I got something on my mind, I literally got something on my mind." He explains.

"Like Juice pops?" Alycia asked. (Y/N) smiles and looked at her daughter, she looked exactly like her wife, she's beautiful like her too.

"Sure was," He says. He stands up from his seat and walk towards Alycia and grab her hand, "That's extortion, you have read my mind, and for sure that is the word of hope. Anyone, like you think alike for juice pops, come on. I'll get you some, just don't tell mommy about it." He says, Alycia nods frankly and smiles at him.

"Mommy doesn't like it when I eat juice pop right before bed." She says.

"And that's why you don't tell, sweetie." He says and kneel down in front of her, "C'mere." He says as Alycia puts her arms around her father's neck and (Y/N) put his on her 5 years old daughter's waist and hoist her up.

"How many juice pop can you take?" He asked.

Alycia looks at her fingers and raise up her 2 fingers. "That plenty? Wow, so that's why you're getting big!" He says and tickles his daughter, Alycia giggles in respond. When both of them made it to the kitchen he brought out 3 juice pops out and unwrap one for his daughter and gave it to her, and he unwrapped his. He carries his daughter back to her room again as she finish up her first batch of juice pop.

When they both made it to her room, (Y/N) settle Alycia to her bed and smiles, he chuckles at her, and wipe off the excess to her second one, only to be finished in half using his sleeves. Alycia smiles, "That face." He said and gently push her face to make her lay down in the bed.

As Alycia settle in she look up to his father, "Tell me a story." She says.

(Y/N) forrowed his eyebrows, "A story? Well once upon a time, I was in vale the end." He said.

"That wasn't a story." She says as she settle on her bes and yawn softly. "What, the was your favorite story." he says. Alycia giggles and moves her head and put her arm on the back of her head. "I love you, tons." he says.

"I love you, 3000."
(Y/N) smiles stands up and ate the last pop in the stick, removes it from his lips and lean in to kiss his daughter in the forehead. "Okay," He says. He looks down at her and smiles. "Three thousand. That's crazy." he says and open the door and turned off the lamp. "Go to bed or I'll sell all of your toys." He joked making Alycia giggles and fell asleep.

He went downstairs only to be greeted by his wife, Blake Belladonna. "You gave in didn't you?" She says.

He put up both of his hand as a surrender and chuckles nervously, "In my defense, she tempted me too." He says.

"Now tomorrow I have to deal with a sugar doze Alycia." She says making (Y/N) smiles up to himself. "She'll be fine." He says.

"But not to be a competition though, she loves me more, 3000." He says, Blake laugh and slightly moves her head in disapproval. "You were something more of... Half I think." He said. "Or probably lower." He walks to the couch to where his couch is and sat there. Blake moves closer to him, and lay her head to his lap and continue to read her book.

"What you readin'?" He asked.

"Nothin' important." She said. (Y/N) chuckles and move his hand to his wife's head and pats her cat liked ears.

(A/N: cut. It is finished y'all! I'm not gonna create a lemon scene y'all nasty!)

One Shot (Various Characters X Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang