Familiarity (Ei)

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(A/N: I, uh, wow it's been years since I last wrote something here on Wattpad. I'm also fully aware of the people who like my written works and fanfictions and ask me to update them. In terms of absence, I'm sorry. I was busy throughout all these years, and College has been rough for me. So after 3 and a half years, I can't say I'm back since I'm almost close to graduating. I'll be focusing more on myself and my career as a Multi-media Artist, and animator. And since writing is the forte of Multimedia, I will try to improve myself in terms of storytelling. Do expect or not some changes in terms of writing. 

Anyhow, the story. It's a one-shot story of Ei from Genshin Impact, in this scenario, you are Ei's sparring partner before the disaster, but eventually, you died with Makoto in the Cataclysm 500 years ago. After the event with the Vision Hunt Decree and the lifting of the Sakoku Decree, a familiar face appeared in the country making the Shogun feel Nostalgia)

"Ei..." Her eyes widen as she saw someone familiar next to her sister's body. Her eyes water and the sharp feeling stroke her heart once again, making her release a tiny weep in between her lips as she trembles and drops her polearm to the ground, as she saw her nightmare. The Kagemusha's hands land on her lips, a small painful cry released from her mouth, she may be strong but she can't take this kind of pain. 

Ei's companion looks at her with a tired expression on her face, a drop of blood coming from her forehead and lip, her body was covered with dirt and dry blood of her own. Fresh scratches around her body and blood pouring out from her stomach. Behind her were a dozen arrows pierced her body. On her companion's lap is her sister. The Shogun Makoto lying, her body was cold, and her complexion is even paler than ever. She's dead. "I tried... t-to do my part." Ei heard her companion mutter in a weak voice. "I tried to p-protect her, Ei... I'm s-sorry." She says with a cough of blood splattering on the soil. 

Ei's knees weaken at the scenery before her and she felt her knees impact the cold soil beneath her. "No, stop. Just stop talking. You're losing blood." Ei said as she cradle both her sister's body and her friend's head to her shoulder. She doesn't care if her perfect dress got dirty with blood or soil, she only cares about the two most important people around her. "And I'm out of time anyway." Her companion stuttered. 

"No, no." She says with a whimper in her voice. "Just don't--" she cries even more as she clutches her friend and sister's body as if her life was dependent on them.  Ei cannot express the pain she felt and how unbearable it is. "(Y/N) stay with me, please. The others will be--" "No, I don't think I will be able to see them. Not this time." She said she muster enough strength to give a reassuring touch, she place her palm on the Kagemusha's cheek. Ei knows her friend so much, she knows her ups and downs, her personality, and her past. She was fondly for this person that she didn't about her being a mere mortal, but Ei was fully aware of her companion's skill in combat and how it was nearly identical to her style. Her skill in swords and polearm wasn't enough for her to get the gaze of the Gods. But that didn't stop her ambition. You could say at least that it was the way of the blade. 

(Y/N) talked again, "It's my fault Raiden Makoto died." Ei shakes her head, neglecting her opinion. "No, it's not. It's not your fault." Ei said. "My mortality is so fragile that my own strength could not even patch it u-up. It e-even cost the Shogun her o-own downfall..." She said. 

"No, (Y/N). It's not. Makoto--" "You trust me with h-her life Ei. You trusted me, and yet I-I failed." She mustered making her cough some more blood.  "No," she whispered to her repeatedly. She hugged her friend and her sister saying that everything will be alright. Everything will pass, knowing that eventually, it will not end well. She clutch to them again hugging them tightly as Ei caressed the nape of (Y/N)'s hair. 

One Shot (Various Characters X Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora