First Dates - Part 1 (Logince)

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Logan and Roman sat across from each other at a restaurant. They would've chosen another, more sophisticated place, but Roman wanted to be a gentleman, and said he'd pay for dinner... but he was basically broke and this was the best he could do. Whatever, it was fine, he'd ba able to make due.

They sat in relative silence, looking over their menus with little chatter. The only thing they talked about was what was sauce they preferred on their chicken. Now, Roman has been flirting with Logan the entire way here, but Logan either hadn't noticed it, or refused to acknowledge it. Based on Logan's thickheadedness, Roman guessed it was the former.

The light above their secluded booth popped a couple times, flickered, and went out. Roman looked up at it, and then around at the now significantly dimmer light over their table.

"Is it just me, or did it just get sexier in here?" Roman said lowly, twirling his fork in his fingers as seductively as he could considering it was a piece of literal silverware.

Logan groaned and slammed his fist on the table. "Great. I caN'T SEE MY FUCKING MENU!"

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