Chapter 1

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Now here I am. Sitting on the window sill of an apartment on the fourteenth floor of an abandoned building. Many of the window are smashed and go from the roof of the room to the floor. It's a warm night out in the city. The weird thing is that it has a lot of people in it for a rundown city. It's mainly just the people in the police force that live here, which is like maybe 500 something people. I saw the exact number somewhere in my mother's office back at home. The rest of the people living here are the poor, who can't afford to buy a new apartment or house if they were to move.

I looked up at the sky to see a bright, like really bright, red star. Ever sense these oddly colored stars appeared in the shy, there's been no sun or moon. Just stars. The stars stood out from the rest. Like a lot! They were able to light up the sky on their own.

I think that people here can't seem to find the meaning to all this. The city and how it was back before that stars came. A lot of cities have been destroyed after they appeared. The day it happened was just 4 years ago. It happened just a few weeks before I ran away. The night was cool and dark. Like really dark. The moon was nowhere to be found and the power was out. People said that it would turn back on shortly but it never did. It was not often that The whole world was out of power, but now..... let's just say that the world is a pretty dark place right now.
During the outage, the ground started shaking. Everyone thought it was an earthquake but I knew that it wasn't anything like that when I saw something heading straight for the atmosphere. "Get inside NOW!" My mom screamed at me from inside. But I couldn't stop watching as the sky turned all black. The atmosphere exploded with light flying over the sky..... and then it fell. Literally fell. The light dropped and then bright Rainbow colored star came into view. It almost was like the brighter ones shot the lights out of the sky.
Though after the sky drop, Everything was still for a solid minute and then..... everything around us crashed and fell to the ground. Glass was shattering and the walls were cracking around us. I ducked into the apartment and Curled up behind the couch to take cover. Didn't help much saying that I got a scar down my right arm from a flying piece of glass. It hurt..... a lot!
Streets cracked and even some buildings in other cities went straight into the ground. From then on 87% of the population has gone missing. Not found. Just missing.
It's weird now to think that the world used to have so many windows. I hate windows, they make me feel like I'm in some kind of fish tank that could loose its water at any moment. It was a window.... that had shattered. Allowing my dad to fall 37 stories to his death.

"Tonight's a night." I whispered to myself to drag me away from my thoughts. I looked at my scared arm and then back at the dark room behind me. Only one light worked in here, surprisingly. Most places in Haroline didn't have any power. All they had at the most was running water. This place had been my home for almost six months now. I had to move often because of the police force. They've been looking for me. Don't know why though. Maybe it's because of my mom? Anyway, I stood up and turned to look at the bed. My red hair wiping as I turned to walk over to it. The room had a distinctive color scheme. It had gray walls, white marble countertops, and most of the furniture was a light pink or a grayish blue color. The room was similar to every other apartment on this floor. The other floors had different colors in them. This was one of the only rooms that was unlocked and I didn't think twice about staying here. This was probably the safest place I've lived since I ran away. There were over 200 apartments in the building and if the police did decide to check the building, it would take them maybe a few months to go through all of them.
With knowing that I was save enough for now I hopped in bed and fell asleep.

The Shadowing                                  The Diamonds:  Book 1Where stories live. Discover now