Chapter 31

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3 days had past and now standing in front of the building that I once called home made sick.
"Nick! Can't you just teleport us up there?!"

"Sorry Red, there's cameras everywhere. I'm not going to risk it."

We had all come up with a plan for Nick to distract the guards while me and Lulu head up to the roof. It was simple but the only thing we could come up with for the time being.

"You ready?" Nick asked not looking back. He seemed just as nervous as I was.

"No.... but if you want us to go then sure." I answered walking forward.

"Fine. Good luck Nick said as me and Lulu stopped behind him.

He started to walk in as the two guards at the front of the building stopped him. "Where do you think your going?" The guard on the left asked in a harsh tone.

"I was just wanting to talk to your boss. I think I have some information on her missing daughter." Nick replied harmlessly.

The guards' eyes widened at his reply and started to lead him into the building. I looked to my left and nodded at Lulu. Nick gave a peace sign, signaling us to get in. We started running and as we got closer the door was almost closed. We're not gonna make it!

Just then Lulu conjured a board and through it in between the two doors. Lulu ran ahead and the board disappeared just in time for Lulu to grab the door and hold it open as I ran through.
"Thanks." I whispered to her as we kept running toward the stair case.

We had only gotten up to the third floor when I started hearing voices. I grabbed Lulu and pulled her back behind me. She seemed startled and opened her mouth to say something, but stopped when she heard them too.
"He claims he knows something about your daughter." It was a mans voice that sounded oddly familiar. I thought back to all the times I've had an In counter with a guard. Then I remembered the day I met Nick. He was the police officer who had stopped me in the market.
"Where is he." Arica's voice echoed.

"In the lobby. He should be here any second."

Wait what?!-

"Hey!" A guard called from the floor behind us. Nick was behind them, his eyes full of fear and frustration.
Arica started running down the stairs at the officers yell. We're gonna get surrounded!
Lulu then conjured two large bricks over the officer, along with another officer behind him. The two bricks dropped and the two officers fell to the floor. Nick then quickly teleported up behind Arica and tapped her on the shoulder.
"Hi! Umm... sorry about that! I just wanted to go ahead of them." Arica turned to study him.

"You know something that I don't?" She asked harshly.

"Uh... yes actually!" Nick answered, slowly starting to walk backward up the stairs.

"What do you have to say about my daughter."

"I- I would rather talk about this somewhere more private." He was trying to lead her away from the stairs.

"Tell me, what's in your pocket there?" I heard Arica ask suspiciously.
I looked up at them.

Nick had a questioning look on his face. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a small slip of paper. That's when I remembered the day we met Arica in the ally way. She must have seen it when he'd picked it up.

I saw part of Arica's grin. "She's here isn't she..." Nick had a horrified expression on his face as to guards came and grabbed his arms behind him.

Nick out of nowhere teleported with a flash of blue. I looked back at Lulu as her eyes started to glow, and she had conjured a giant sword pointing strait at both the officers and Arica. They all turned toward us. I then without thinking, grabbed Lulu's hand and started running up the stairs with her. The sword didn't seem to disappear till we were two floors higher judging by the sound of them starting to run up the steps behind us.

"Good idea, Lulu." I told her finally.

"Thanks!" She answered out of breath.

We were able to get up to the top floor when they started to catch up with us. "GET THEM!" I heard Arica call behind me. I felt the wind on my hair as I opened the door to the roof. Once Lulu has gotten out I slammed the door and locked it from the outside. Why would they put the lock on the outside?

I turned just when the star hit. It was so close! Too close. I flew back. Hitting my head on the floor. After a few seconds I sat up. And help my head. "OWWW!" I looked to my right and Lulu was sitting next to me.

As the light faded, out came a guy. He had orangish, ginger hair, brown and red eyes, and was like two inches taller then me. He seemed to be around a year older then Nick was.
He was standing there arms at his side and was just blinking like nothing happened. Out of nowhere he jumped.
"WHO THE HECK ARE YOU PEOPLE?!" He screamed. His voice was light and charming honestly.

Nick reappeared in the corner of the roof next to him. "WHO ARE YOU?! WHAT IS GOING ON?!" It was almost funny seeing a full grown teenager scream as if he was a scared little girl on halloween.

I stepped forward. "I'm Red, this is Lulu and that's Nick. We all have Diamonds or what the stars were in us. They give you powers for some reason too. You are the orange star I believe. He looked down under his shirt.

"WOAH!!!! That's so cool! Well it's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you to-
Nick had teleported next to me. He had his eyes fixed on something behind me. "What is it Nick?" I turned around.

"What the-?!"

The Shadowing                                  The Diamonds:  Book 1Where stories live. Discover now