Chapter 16

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I'm I dead?

I struggled to sit up. I'd landed on the concrete ground of an abandoned construction site. It must have been that hotel building they mentioned about a few years ago. Why did they stop building it? Probably ran out of budget I'm guessing. I looked around. Around me was a crater that dug about 4 feet into the ground.
How was I alive? Seriously! Like am I dead?

I felt....warm?
I looked around.
There was a light, a red light, glowing around me. I looked around to see where it was coming from. I looked down. It was coming from my chest!

A diamond lighting up the black, dark night...... in me! It pulsed as if matching my heart beat. I tried to pull it out but it wouldn't budge! I was starting to get nauseous before pulling myself together. Then tried to stand, Falling once or twice but i eventually was able to get up. I looked around. What was happening?! I was honestly really terrified and I really just wished that this was all just a dream!
I started to walk forward just as a flash of blue light appeared behind me. I wiped around. It was Nick!

"Out of all people..." He said, grinning. His eyes where glowing teal and under his shirt was a faint glow of blue. "You where red.... wow!" He said looking at me. My eyes must have been glowing to judging by the reflection in his. "What is your power?"

"Power? What power? Nick, what's going on?!"

He smirked. "How stupid am I.... sorry! I forgot I'm the only one of these things.... until..."
He nodded toward where the diamond was attached to me. He stretched the neck of his shirt to reveal the faded glow on his chest. It was another diamond, but instead of red, It was blue.

"These crystals...." He said. "They where the so called stars up there..." He pointed up to the sky, missing the blue and red stars. "They were never stars. They're some type of magic crystals I think?" He smiled.

"Soooo...... If we have powers then you must have some type of teleportation, right?" I guessed.

"Right." He then teleported a few feet to the left. A fainter glow this time compared to the last time. "Do you have any idea what your power may be?"

"I don't know... I don't feel that different."

"That's pretty normal for the first few days. It will come soon."

"Question Nick, Am I dead?"

Nick laughed at the question. "No, your not dead. Or I hope your not!"

Nick then looked around as if he heard something. He leaned over and reached he hand out to help me out of the crater. I grabbed his hand as he teleported unsuspectedly.

"What was that!" I was still a bit weak from the whole Diamond becoming a part of me bit. We were now looking trough the window of some building across the street.

"Look!" He pointed to 2 familiar looking guards lurking in the shadows, standing right next to where we were.

"I swear I heard that stupid lying girl's voice around here somewhere!" It was Sushi. He had a huge bruise on the side of his face where Nick had punched him the Night before.

"Calm down Sushi!" Julian came out from behind a large pile of ruble to the left on the crater. "We'll find her soon." Nick and I exchanged a worried look.

Sushi walked up to the edge of the crater and nearly fell in before balancing himself. "Uhhh... Julian! You might want to see this!"

"What is it?!" Julian ran over, Sushi catching him before he could fall into it. "Whoa! Thanks Sush!"

"Okay don't call me that! Where do you think this came from?"

"Don't know? Maybe a meteor?"

"But it's gone then. No one can just pick up a meteor right after it lands."

"True." Julian turned, Looking directly at me...

The Shadowing                                  The Diamonds:  Book 1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora