Chapter 14

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Oh, I now that saying! It comes from a nursery rhyme, Ring around the rosy. It was based off a deadly disease in the 2000s? No,1900s. The disease killed millions ....of..... people.....
I shook my head at the thought. Why the heck would someone graffiti that? Out of all things?

Welp okay!
I sat down on the ledge of the slide looking out to see if anyone was around. No one. I pushed off, lifting my harms high in the air. That's when I felt it. The bitter cold crawling up my face. I put my arms down immediately and hugged myself to stop the chill. Once I got to the bottom, which literally only took 2 seconds to get though, I jumped off and started walking again.

It was freezing! I stopped to lean up against what looked to be an old department store to get myself together.
I only had two more jackets, and both of them were back at the apartment. I thought of going back, but it would take me at the least an hour to get back. And I wasn't just going to go back to grab something and then have to walk only to get less far then I had started.
Then it made me think... why was I even trying to find Nick? I mean I've been alone for so long.... even with Albert. He doesn't know how much it means to me to have a person to talk to. But I need someone my age to talk too.... right?


It was later now and the sky barely got any darker than it was before. Throughout the day it was close to pitch black and no light were lit. I felt a chill run down my spine. I immediately started walking toward the building to my left. I knew a few buildings on my street that had power and wanted to see if it was out.
I walked into an old office building with burn stains and vines spouting up the front of it. I knew it had power because I camped out in the old elevator on the first floor. It was a few nights before I found my current place. I was there because I got chased out of my old place by a gang of what seemed like guys in there early 20s.
I walked into the black and white tiled floor and the over grown vines slowly crawling into the inside. I walked behind the front desk trying to find that old light switch. I was trying to be extra quiet because I knew the building was occupied. There was the smell of tomato soup coming from upstairs.
Click! Found it!

Nothing happened.....
I then tried to remember that night... the night when those stars appeared. Memories flashed through my mind.

Lights, Stars, windows, balcony......... cold. My heart stopped. The power was out.... The sky was bright.
I ran over to another light switch. Nothing.... I tried another. Nothing again!
I turned around and started running. Running faster then I'd ever ran before. I looked up. That star was getting brighter. I needed to find a place to hide!

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