Chapter 22

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I knew it.
The person I hated the most. The person who was never there for me. The person who ruined my life! The person who I've been hiding from all these years.
Arica..... my mother.
When she saw my face she froze. I stood straight, trying not to let all my emotions get to me..... I hated her for what she put me through.

"Amy........" My hair was blowing in the cold wind around us. I didn't take my eyes of hers. They were full of hatred and carelessness. I wanted to scream.

"I never thought I'd see you again...." Nick had now turned to see who was talking to me. Edmond was at Arica's right, holding a hand gun.

"You know her?" Nick asked from behind me. I could hear the determination and fear in his voice.

"Of Coarse she knows me! My daughter would never forget me..." Arica smiled with satisfaction.

"Your MOTHER?!" Nick stepped forward.

"Of coarse! I still don't understand why you had ran away on me."
I looked down.
"Scared of your own mother, Amy?! I cared for YOU!!!"

I couldn't believe this!
"How can you say that?! You never cared about anyone! All you care about is yourself! You never took care of me after dad died and you never took the time to listen to me! You are NOT my mother Arica!"

I stepped back grabbing Nick's hand as he teleported away.

The Shadowing                                  The Diamonds:  Book 1Where stories live. Discover now