Chapter 19

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My eyes opened. I turned around to face the rest of the room. Nick was sitting in the chair across from me. He seemed to be working on the computer in my room. He was humming a small tune I didn't recognize.

"Finally!" He said turning. "Ugh! Will you always sleep in this late?"

I pulled out my phone. "It's 4 in the morning!"

"Exactly!" He stood up. "Get up Red! I want to get breakfast!!!" He acted as one of those annoying toddler kids.

"Wait, Red?" Did he call me Red? He crossed his arms.
"I needed a nickname for you! It's the best I could come up with!"

"Can I have a Nickname for you?!"


"Why?!" I sat up.

"Because my name is cool! And I want to keep it that way!"





"Uhhhh..... Blue?"

"Ugh- no!"

"Awwww!!!" I stretched and pulled over the covers.

"Come on!" Nick yelled walking out without ME! "We got a busy day ahead of us."

"Why?" I stood to walk out of the room.

"Because, it's going to be morning rush soon! And it's going to be our job to make sure everyone's safe."

"So now I have a job?! Great!"

"A fun one!" Nick smiled.
We were both in the main room now. Nick walked over to the hologram computer to open up cameras around the city.

"I set these up with my dad." Nick had a smile on his face at the comment. "They work great! That's how I knew where you were when that diamond fell on you." He didn't turn his head to face me.

"That's amazing Nick." I said not really knowing what to say.

"This is how I monitor the city. It's going to be our job to protect the innocent or something like that."

"Wait! When did you figure all of this out. It's so sudden!"

"I just thought about it last night. Thought it would be a good thing to do."

"Does that mean we're, like heros or something?" I was excited to help people. The people in this world needed a leader..... or maybe just someone who cares about them....

"You could say that." He said turning.

The Shadowing                                  The Diamonds:  Book 1Where stories live. Discover now