Chapter 17

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He looked straight at me, Red reflecting onto his dark, brown eyes.
There was a long moment of silence. Sushi was still investigating the crater behind him, walking around in a circle, not talking his eyes off the middle.

Then he turned back around towards Sushi. "Let's go! We can't waste time staring at a whole in the ground!" He glared at his co officer and started heading down the street.

Why would he do that? There's no doubt he saw me! Why didn't he shoot at me or yell at Sushi that I was in the building?!

Nick interrupted my thoughts. "They really don't like you, uh?" He said in a low voice.

"Yeah..... but did you see the way he looked at me. He must have known I was there!"

"Let's just be thankful he didn't tell his little buddy over there. He probably would have shot your head of by the way he was talking." Nick said with a little giggle.

"Yeah. Let's just get out of here."

"I know a place where we'll be safe." Nick said stepping over a old broken table and other broken furniture.


It was warmer now and the sky was dark. The glow from the Diamonds have dimmed to the point where you wouldn't see them under our shirts. Same with our eyes.
Nick and I exchanged a few words on our way to where ever we were going. He said that he was taking us to the place he had been staying. It was a shorter walk than walking back to my apartment so I didn't disagree.

"Here we are!" He raised both of his Arms to show a small wear house, the roof was made from red sheets of metal and the wall were made from old, gray concrete and stone. "Home sweet..... home....." He said still grinning.

The big steel doors on the front told me that this place used to be very well guarded. I wonder what it used to be before becoming abandoned?
Won't know unless I go inside...

The Shadowing                                  The Diamonds:  Book 1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt