Chapter 5

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There are 2 openings, Back and front. I'm going in through the back which is of course less guarded. I was about 20 feet from the entrance when I put my hood up. Here goes nothing.
I huddled in between a group of people who seemed to be doing what I was doing. They didn't look up at me to see my face, which as good because I actually found a wanted poster with my face on it. What did she want?
I was just about to make it in when......
There was another shadow!
This one was easier to see because of the sunlight, but still no futures. What was that thing.
Just then a tall guard stood up Strait in my path. "What's your name?" His voice deep but soft at the same time.
Think! Think! Ummm.... I saw a can of soup on one of the stands. "Soupie!"
What the heck did I just do!
"Last name?" He sounded confused, but kept speaking.
"Soupie Greens sir." What's happing?!
"Would you follow me...." That wasn't a question.
"Sorry..." I said taking a step back. "I have to meet up with my father soon."
Just after hearing that he waited, looking at......?
My Hair!
He then took the hood and pulled it down to see my face. Then he smiled.

The Shadowing                                  The Diamonds:  Book 1Where stories live. Discover now