Chapter twenty-six: Rhodey

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Peter's POV
I woke up the next day feeling a bit groggy but a lot better than yesterday. The first thing I do is send Wade a text saying that I'm good, I then hop into the shower.

After showing and changing, putting on a pair of jeans and one of Wade's hoodies that is way to big for me, I head to the kitchen. To which I smell bacon and blueberry pancakes perhaps? I get a better whiff, yup definitely blueberry.

I make it to the kitchen and see Pepper making pancakes while Tony tried to not burn the bacon.

"Hey Tony, Pepper." I say as I sit down at the stool with a smile. They both looks back and smile before getting back to cooking.

"Hey Pete, you feeling better?" Tony asks why's scooping the bacon from the pan and putting it on a plate.

"Much, thank you. I just needed to sleep and take a hot shower." I say as he nods.

"Any plans for the day?" I ask, mainly wondering if me and him will get to hang out in the lab all day or not, feels like forever since we last did.

"Actually Pete, I have someone coming over today and I would like for you to meet them." He says as I have a curious and concerned look.

"Who?" I ask as Pepper stacks the pancakes on a plate as some others migrate their way to the kitchen.

"Rhodes." Tony's says. I have to think for a second but then it clicks.

"Rhodes as in War Machine?" I ask as everyone gets settled.

"Yeah, he's one of my closest friends and I want you to meet him." He says as my heart warms a bit.

"Yeah of course, when?" I ask as I take the stack of pancakes from Clint.

As soon as I say that I hear the elevator ding.

"That's him isn't it?" I ask as he smirks evilly.

"Why must you never let me get dressed before meeting someone?" I ask as he stands up motioning me to follow.

We meet Rhodes in the living room, he's in casual wear, and his braces, so I guess I'm not too out of place.

"Hey Tones." He says as they give a quick hug.

"And you must be Peter." He says as I nod my head.

"Hello Mr. Rhodes." I say sticking out my hand as he takes it.

"Firm grip." He starts as I chuckle a bit, if I had a dollar for everyone someone said that I'd be as rich as Tony.

"And you don't have to call me Mr. Rhodes." He says as he lets go of my hand.

"Yeah good luck with that one. I had to get him a dog and let him keep Goose here for him to stop calling me 'Mr. Stark.'" He says as I laugh a little. As, speak of the angel, Goose comes in and jumps in my arms.

Both men jump back a bit so there is a couple of feet between us.

I just pet and hug Goose as he purrs and Rhodes says, "How in the world are you holding that thing? It's a literal monster."

I sigh and say, "He's no monster. He's just a cute cat. Like I don't see how you're scared of him." I say as I hold him out by his armpits, having him look so adorable.

"Trust me kid, that's no cat." Rhodes says as I look confused for a second but then let it go. Why does everyone keep on saying that?

"Alright well, lets get eating, shall we?" Tony asks as we both nod while I let Goose jump from again.

We go back to the kitchen and I sit back down while Rhodes greets everyone.

"Thank you for cooking, Pepper, Tony." I say as they nod in appreciation while everyone agrees.

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