Chapter thirty-one: Capri-Suns

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Tony's POV

After we left Peter's room Nat and I went straight to the room that Steve was in.

He was awake and a nurse was working on him.

"Give us a few minutes please." Nat says to the nurse and she leaves.

"What were you thinking." Nat says in a fake calm voice that it much scarier then her yelling.

"I had to take him in, he wasn't cooperating." He says back.

"And so you thought it was a good idea to fight him?! Why is that always your go to huh?" I say, my words dripping with fire.

"Look Tony, he's a rouge superhero running around town. We have no idea what he could do." Steve says.

"What do you think he would do huh? He's only helped people, including us, and me. He has saved so many lives. You have no valid reason to what you did. You where being completely irrational." Nat snaps back.

"What was I supposed to do! He wouldn't fight with us. If he's not with us then what does that say?" Steve says back.

"Just because he doesn't fight with us doesn't mean that he's not on our side Steve!" Nat says, raising her voice just enough to get her point across.

"It is just unbelievable how ignorant you can be sometimes. He only helps people, and you go and attack him! He was severely injured tonight Steve. And when ever the building collapsed on you. Who saved your ass? Huh? He did. He could have left you to burn, but no, he saved the guy that was trying to kill him moments before." I say causing Steve to look down in shame, good.

"Look Tony I wasn't trying to kill him. Your right, I was being irrational. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done it alright. I just, I didn't want to make another enemy." Steve says back.

"So you thought forcing him was the way to go?" Nat says.

"I figured if I could bring him in then we could convince him to join us." Steve says.

"You may think that your intentions were good, but your actions were unacceptable. You hurt an innocent man tonight." I say as he looks down again.

"Let me make it up to him, say sorry to him." Steve says.

"No, you are going to stay the fuck away from him alright? Don't even think about going near him." I say as Steve nods.

"Is he at least fine? Is he going to be okay?" Steve asks.

"No thanks to you." I say before I walk out. Leaving Nat and Steve in the room alone. Now I have to go tell the others what happened, this is gonna be fun.

Natasha's POV

"What were you thinking Steve?" I ask softly.

"I know Nat, I just, I wasn't." He says to me.

"I know, I know you weren't. But that doesn't help your case. You really hurt him today." I say and he looks away. I know he feels bad, but that doesn't help him.

"Is he still here? Can I try to talk to him?" He asks.

"Well he's not here, Bruce bandaged him and he left. But either way you know what Tony said, stay away from him Steve. It's best for both of you." I say as he sighs.

"I know, I know." He says.

"And I hate to say it but this may have been the last straw for you with Tony. He may have actually been slowly trying to forgive you Steve. He's slowly been putting his trust in you. Like when he had you watch Peter, he put all of his faith in you Steve. And doing this, you may have thrown that out of the window." I say as Steve looks even more guilty and ashamed.

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