T i m e - l e s s

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His hands were in his sweatpants pockets as he made a right turn, then a left, then another left, then another left, then fuck-

The girl took another left. She caught on to what Taehyung was doing and went into a full circle, hoping the boy would be dumb enough to fall for it; which he wasn't . However- she did have a small victory seeing that Taehyung was now forced to go straight and walk down the Main Street of the town.

With a roll of his eyes, the Boy took out his phone and saved the pictures he'd taken into a special album and stuffed it back into his pocket- sliding his hoodie down to reveal his really blonde hair which he ruffled mindlessly as he made his way down the street of many shops in a leisurely manner.

Candy shops; where kids who just came from school and saved perhaps a quarter or two from there lunch money to get something sweet for themselves. Clothing stores filled with teens to elders- looking for a different fashion or expand their wardrobe.

Ice cream parlors, street vendors, closed down building and small businesses were the norm in the outskirts of Seoul.

There was much to discover but time always seemed to hold some kind of grudge against us. We are always told, "there's not enough time"
Or "hurry" or maybe "it's too early or late"

But for Taehyung, time, was simply a myth. Something humans made to keep us tied down to a standard. Time for him was unlimited. He had it all-

But sometimes- there's these moments when time just seems to...stop?

Or so it feels.

Or so it feels

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