Chapter Five

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Taehyung groaned, he sat up and stretched. It was yet another day. He looked to his left to see Jaehyun fast asleep. 

The blonde boy yawned and grabbed his sweatpants, putting them over his bare legs and groggily shuffled to the bathroom.

Time to practice. Everyday, he practiced facial expressions in the mirror to make sure he had them on point when he’d put them into play.

Happy, surprised, funny, thankful, flirty, sad.

Happy, surprised, funny, thankful, flirty, sad.

He did it a couple more times before it became more natural. He smiled happy with himself and hopped into the shower. His schedule was clear for the day, no photo shoots or events needing to be attended.

That was perfect because the tattoo artist's shift should be starting somewhat soon and Taehyung was getting a tattoo.

He finished up his shower, brushed his teeth and made an effort to look good. The thing was, Tae knew he always looked good. So going the extra length to look better would have him glowing like the god he is.

He got a white silky button up shirt and paired it with some leathers jeans and some regular dress shoes. He tucked the front of the shirt. And got his curling wand out, curling his fairly short hair and brushing it out gently so it was full and wavy.

He let out a giggle. “All. Too. Easy,” he said and smiled one more time at himself before walking out of the bathroom. 

Jaehyun was slowly waking up but Taehyung grabbed his keys and walked out without a word.

He got situated in his car, started the engine and was off. The parlor wasn’t far and neither was the boys home. It was around the same time yesterday that Taehyung had saw the boy making his way into the parlor so he figured, if he was lucky, he’d be in once more. 

He hummed tapping the steering wheel slowly turning into the semi busy street and looking around for a parking spot. Luckily, there was and the young man pulled in with no problem. 

He checked himself one more time, sprayed some mint spray into his mouth and opened up his car door getting out before walking down the side-walk to the shop.

“Euphoric Inks,” he smiled but then changed up his facial expression. He wore a unbothered, smug look and made his way in. The bells above the door jingled and a couple people looked up, some saying hello from knowing him and some just carrying on to whatever they had been doing.

“Welcome to Euphoric Inks,” a friendly smile greeted him. A man perhaps around his age with cooly styled purple hair sat behind a desk. He had some designs along his neck that disappeared into his collar. His hands were decorated with designs as well and a couple rings.

“Do you have an appointment?”

Taehyung shook his head, “I was hoping for a walk-in with one of your artists?”

“Ah, okay. Which one?”

Crap- the boy hadn’t gotten to learn the artist's name. 

“His name- has Uh- blanked me,” he said slightly chuckling and shaking his head. He opened his mouth to explain the appearance of the boy but a young man rounded the corner with a wrap around his arm and a familiar male following- giving instructions on how to care for the tattoo.

Taehyung looked up and smiled, “him”

“Jungkook?” The purple headed boy asked and the other boy looked over.

Said male blinked at the mention of his name. He notices it was Namjoon who was with a familiar male. Waving his last customer goodbye, he turned around and approached the two. 

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