Drama at meet and greet?!😨

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*The next day everyone returned to their own hotel rooms to take a quick shower and change outfits. They all came out later and they went downstairs to the place where the meet and greet was going to be. The minute they walked in several fans began screaming and asking for pictures and autographs.

A young girl went to take a picture with Zoe. After the girl was done she asked Zoe if her older brother could take a picture with her, Zoe accepted and the girls older brother walked in. He wrapped her arm around Zoe and after the parents took the pic, Zoe felt that the boy had squeezed her ass. She felt uncomfortable and let go immediately.

Later the same little girl went to Kenzie and took a pic with her, she did the same thing and asked Kenzie if her older brother could take a picture with her. Kenzie agreed and took the picture with the older brother. When the mom had taken the picture of them Kenzie felt that a hand was touching her ass and was also touching her legs in a weird uncomfortable way. The boy let go of Kenzie and Kenzie stood there taking pics with other fans but was still confused and shocked.

The little girl went up to Annie and took the picture with her. After she did that the older brother took a picture with Annie as well. When the older brother wrapped his arm around Annie's waist she felt the guy's hand squeezing her ass. Annie quickly let go of him and they moved on to the next person who was Lauren, then Indiana, then Jayden then Dylan

Zoe walked up to Cody and told him that the guy was touching her inappropriately. Later Annie and Kenzie heard and they went over to say that he had touched them inappropriately as well. Cody called some of the boys over and the girls repeated what the guy had done to them. The boys got mad and they asked who it was. Kenzie saw him talking with his parents and his little sister. When the parents and the sister walked away Cody and the other boys walked up to him.

"Wait! Don't do something stupid guys!!" Yelled Zoe. But it was too late.

Cody: hey you what's your name?
Boy: Carlos..
Cody: what's up with u touching some of the girls inappropriately 😡
Carlos: what? What are u talking about?
Sebastián: don't act stupid! We know what u did😡
Carlos: I didn't do anything!
*Zoe, Kenzie, and Annie, Jayden, Lauren, Indiana and Dylan walked up to them*
Zoe: yes u did! U touched all of us inappropriately!
Carlos: quit lying🙄
Annie: we're not lying! And u know it😒
Carlos: I didn't do anything to u guys! Why y'all making up lies?🙄
Jayden: that wasn't a lie! U know what u did! U just don't wanna admit it😒
Oliver: tell us why u touched all of them inappropriately?! U used ur younger sister to take advantage of them😡
carlos: all y'all are stupid and dumb af🙄 I didn't do shit
Alex: oh yeah? We know these girls perfectly and we know when they ain't lying🙄 so how u gonna tell us that they lying when we saw u touching them inappropriately 😡
carlos: all y'all are crazy😒 im outta here!
Alex: no u aint!
Zoe: Guys!! No!! Dont😱😱

*Cody grabbed Carlos and pushed him to the wall as the others began to punch him and kick him. Alex dragged him to the ground and they all began throwing punches at him. Cody lift him up and threw one last punch at him as fans began screaming and some began recording what was going on. Security came by and stopped the boys. They let go of Carlos and he ran off*

Indiana: why'd u guys do that?😓
Alex: he touched y'all inappropriately! We couldn't let him do that😡
Kenzie: we know but u guys didn't have to jump him. U could've just talked to him.
Diego: he needed to learn his lesson not to mess with girls again🙄
Cody: exactly..

*all the girls stayed silent*

Babes I'm just letting y'all know now that next chapter will be kinda heartbreaking and graphic so just be prepared 😁

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