Let me explain 😔

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*back to the day where the argument at Annie's house happened*

*Oliver and Sebastian's house*

Oliver walked in the house angry

MoyMom: whats happening? Why u mad Oliver?
Oliver: personal reasons mom😒
Sebastián: Oliver please-
Oliver: no Sebastián! Shut the fuck up 😡
MoyMom: Oliver!! Mateo is here!😡
Oliver: I'm sorry mom, but at this point i don't care about anything😠😠
*Oliver walked to his room*
MoyMom: whats going on Sebastian? Why is oliver mad?
Sebastián: um.. well u see... um... *sighs* idk how to say this mom😫 especially because Mateo is here. Buh lost importantly I don't know if u'll understand🙁
MoyMom: is it something bad?🥺
Sebastián: well yeah.. it is actually😔 listen, ima try to talk to oliver first then i'll come back and I'll try to tell u the whole story.
MoyMom: okay then go.

*sebastian went to Oliver's room*

Oliver: what do u want?!😡🙄 r u gonna tell me what u told the others in my face?!😒😡
Sebastián: Oliver please let me explain..
Oliver: I don't wanna hear it!😡 u think I'm a retarded disgusting freak?! Y didn't u tell me that?! 😡 ur the one that knows how ur feeling Sebastian, no one else does🙄😡
Sebastian: listen! Yes I did say that buh look, I didn't think I would end up falling for u okay?!😫 I was starting to think that I was gay at that moment buh I wasn't fully sure. I tried to convince myself I wasn't gay by rejecting my feelings towards u. Buh after talking to Annie I realized my feelings were real and I couldn't do anything about it🙁
Oliver: so u said all that about me to try and convince urself u weren't gay?
Sebastian: yes that's the only reason why I did it. I didnt think before saying that. 😔 I regret it now.
Oliver: *smiles*
Sebastian: so are we still together or..?
Oliver: yes😊
Sebastián: *smiles* buh I'm still mad at Jayden🙄
Oliver: yah I can tell. U kinda went too far tho. U friend dumped her in front of everyone, and she was ur best friend🥺
Sebastián: she betrayed me. I'm not being friends with her anymore🙄
Oliver: guess that's ur choice...🙁

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