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Annie's pov:
Let's say..... Kenzie's freaking out now ...

Kenzie: why does this keep happening to us?!😭
Annie: I don't know Kenzie but you have to calm down😤. By panicking we're not gonna get anything solved
Kenzie: I can't calm down, Annie! Our friends are missing! Anything bad can happen to them in seconds 😭😭‼️
Annie: Kenzie we have to have faith that nothing bad is gonna happen😔😔
Kenzie: *cries* what are we gonna do if those two die?! We'll be numb cause all our friends would be gone! 😭
Annie: Kenzie....
Kenzie: *sniffs*
Annie: their gonna be fine😔

Annie's pov:
After almost 2 hours Kenzie fell asleep, finally.


She could be right😔

Knowing our luck, Dylan and Jayden are most likely not safe 😔 even though we shouldn't be thinking about that, it's hard 😣

What are we gonna do if Jayden and Dylan die? It'll only be Kenzie, Hayden, Alex and me. Just 4 people... we went from 18 to 4😔😔

Now that I think about it, everything went downhill after the meet and greet that caused Diego to die 😔

Ever since, everything has been bad luck for us.. maybe if Diego was still alive none of this would be happening... he was technically the gem of our group 🥺

It's like if he was our angel sent from god, think about it, while we had him it was all good luck, and laughs and jokes, and the minute we lost him everything turned into tears, stress, depression and anxiety..

If Jayden and Dylan die... at least they'll be in heaven, and won't suffer anymore...

Jayden would finally be with Lauren🥺 and Dylan would be with her brother Caden again😔

But what are the four of us gonna do without them?😣


Annie's pov:
I woke up to the feeling of buzzing on the table, it was 8:46 PM, I fell asleep while thinking about everything... I reached out and Kenzie woke up, she got up and went to get a bottle of water, I flipped my phone to see the screen and the caller ID was "Alex Big Brother🥰❤️" maybe he had some news about Jayden and Dylan right?

I answered...


I dropped my phone and tears flooded my eyes...

Why this again? Why?

Kenzie walked in

Kenzie: what happened? 😕 did they find them? Are they ok? Are they alive?

I slowly turned to face her. My bright red cheeks and my eyes flodded with tears answered her question..

She put down the water bottle and came towards me to hug me as I felt her slowly dropping tears as well...

Great, two less....😢 who's next?...

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