They got arrested😔👮‍♂️🚔

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Annie's pov:
This can't be great! Fans find out about everything! What if they find out that the rumors are true? 😰

*annie got out of bed the next morning and got dressed for the day, she was watching tv when she got a notification from the groupchat*

Crackhead best friends🤪❤️

Oliver Moy🤪✋🏼:
Yo guys! The police found
Cody and Zach!


What?! How?!

Alex big brother🥰:
Well.. the fans found proof that Cody
And Zach actually were involved in a
Murder and also found the name and
Location of the hotel where they were
Hiding at and well... the cops have found
Them now and are arresting them. 😬

My baby🥰💍❤️:
Wait how do you guys know this?

Alex big brother🥰:
We're near the hotel in our cars and we can
See that Cody is handcuffed sitting on the ground
While the cops ask him questions and Zach is already inside the car. 

Damn the supporters are some real detectives dear lord. 😬😐

^ on god

My baby🥰💍❤️:
What's happening now?

Alex big brother🥰:
They picked Cody off the ground and are now checking if he has anything else hidden

Oh Jesus 😰😰

Oliver moy🤪✋🏼:
They have Cody in the vehicle now and are driving away😣

We lost them..😔😔


Their fans must be upset 😔

Alex big brother🥰:
Well... seems like we lost 2 other members of our squad... who knows when we'll see them again😔

Annie's pov:
Ouch 😔😔

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